SNEATH GLASS CO., Hartford City, Ind. (Tel. 1028-29). A. C. Crimmel, president; H. H. Crimmel, sales manager. Showrooms: C. B. Sturgeon, Chicago, Ill. (SUP 7-7998); Harry Crawford, Detroit, Mich. (Woodward 1-5389); D. King Irwin, 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (OR 5-6090). Ovenware, colored glassware, private mould work, novelties and specialties, Over-the-Flame ware, defrost trays for refrigerators, illuminating ware.
STARLINE GLASS PRODUCTS CO., 296 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn 2, N. Y. (Main 5-6912). Maurice Levin, president. Novelty mirrors cut to reproduce actual figures for decorative and display trade. Xmas novelties, such as mirror stars, trees, crystals, snowflakes, etc. Also made from Sparkle Glass in six colors.
STRAUB & CO., INC., PAUL A. See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Importers, representatives, jobbers
SUN GLO STUDIOS See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Wholesalers of glassware, glass novelties,
SUSQUEHANNA GLASS CO., Columbia, Pa. (Tel. 42155). Albert Roye, president; Walter Roye, vice president. Showrooms: J. Wolff, 160 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Ira A, Jones Co., Room 1546, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; George D. Dinkel, 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass.; Edwin F. Bokee, 323 Morris Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Cut glassware. Decorated and cut shades and vases, console sets, tumblers, water sets.
TANNES ART WORKS See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Decorators}
TATLER, INC. See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Decorators }
TECHNICAL GLASS CO., INC., 2050 E. 48th St., Los Angeles 11, Calif. (Jefferson 2291-92-93). Lawrence L. Rosenthal, president; Edwin P. Rosenthal, sales manager. Blown table ware, tumblers and stemware, bar and liquor glassware, novelties and specialties, illuminating glassware, opal ware.
THARAUD & SON, INC., JUSTIN See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Distributor Russel Wright Highlight dinnerware.}
THORPE, DOROTHY C. (ORIGINALS), 902 Thompson Ave., Glendale, Calif. (Cit-rus 2-1580) (Chapman 5-1393). George A. Thorpe, president and sales manager. Showrooms: Sun-Glo Studio, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; Sun-Glo Studio, 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Bar accessories, colored glassware, dinnerware, fancies, hand-decorated ware, sand-blasted, silver and gold, stemware, tumblers, smoker accessories, novelties and specialties, linens and lamps.
TURCHIN CO., H. H., 41 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (VA 6-4052). H. H. Turchin, president; T. N. Turchin, sales manager. Showrooms: Exhibitors Bldg.. Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1200 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fla.; 575 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Seaspray tableware and Sea-foam glass furniture and aquaria.
TWIN CITY ROCK CRYSTAL SHOP, 2801 Riverside Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn. (Geneva 2547). Gustave S. Carlson, president. Cut glass manufacturers, cutters of rock crystal ware. Table ware of all kinds. In crystal and novelty glassware. Removal of chips from all types of glassware.
UNITED GLASS INDUSTRIES CORP., 20 W. 22nd St., New York 10, N. Y. (OR 5-4539). Irving Schreiber, president. Hand decorated and hand-cut glassware.
UNITED STATES GLASS CO., Tiffin, Ohio (Tiffin 1985). Factory, Glassport, Pa. (Tel. 8212). C. W. Carlson, president; Carl R. Kalnow, sales manager. Showrooms : Frank Lough & James Cocanour, New York, N. Y. (Watkins 9-2940); Wm. J. Steinkemper, Chicago, Ill. (Superior 7-8490); Greenberg & Behm, Los Angeles. Cal. (Michigan 7526); John Hines, 16 Flagg St., Worcester, Mass.; George Zeigler, 1713 Ambassador Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Pressed tableware, blown tableware tumblers and stemware, colored glassware, milk glass, hand decorated ware, bar and liquor glassware, opal ware, novelties and specialties, private mould work. Tiffin-ware.
VARIETY ART GLASS CO., 40 W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. (CH 3-2260). Richard Pallini, president. Blown glass balls, glass crushers, stirrers and spoons.
VARIETY METAL & DECORATING CO., INC., 3134 Jerome Ave., New York 58, N. Y. (CY 5-3250). Morris B. Solomon president; Sidney N. Solomon, sales manager. Repesentatives: Philip E. Ebb, 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (MU 5-4074); 1564 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill. Decorator and cutter complete mon-ogrammed line, photo frames, cocktail and highball sets, relish sets, cigarette boxes and ashtrays.
VENEZIAN ART GLASS CO., Catletts-burg, Ky. (Tel. 410). J. J. DiBella, president; John DiBella, sales manager. Colored glassware, novelties and specialties, blown tableware, tumblers and stemware, bar and liquor glassware, paperweights. Venezian Quattara vases in colors and crystal, glass canes, door stops, opalware. illuminating glassware. private mould work, hotel and restaurant glassware, glass dinnerware.
VERLYS OF AMERICA, INC., 342 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. (MU 2-5320). Charles Franck, president. Decorative crystal.
VICTORY GLASS, INC., Jeannette, Pa. (Jeannette 1460). Mayer Wolinsky, president and sales manager. Showrooms: Fred Skelton, New York, N. Y. (Murray Hill 3-0412); Wm. Hubbert, Philadelphia, Pa.; Edward Reeves, 343 S. Dearborn, Chicago, Ill. (Webster 9-2575); Nathan Kirshenbaum, 325 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Illuminating glassware, opalware, novelties and specialties, private mould work, milk glass, sand-blasted, smoker accessories.