USA China and Glass Red Book

USA-CGRB 1951 p091-098

1951 Red Book – 91 – American Glassware




In Sparkling Clear Crystal Glass

For over 50 years these McKee sets in authentic Aztec Sunburst Pattern — copied from ancient Aztec temples — have been popular in American homes.
Used for many occasions: outdoor garden parties, summer evening informals, dress-up parties, weddings, graduations.


The largest and most complete set on the market for the price.
14 pieces: 8 quart, hand-made, hand-finished bowl in prescut design with pedestal; 12 5-ounce handled cups, and 12 wire hooks for cups.
Additional cups packed 6 to a carton.





1951 Red Book – 92 – American Glassware

MORGANTOWN GLASSWARE GUILD, INC., Morgantown, W. Va. (Morgantown 4722). Samuel K. Haden, general manager. Showrooms: D. King Irwin Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (OR 5-6090) ; Mar­tin M. Simpson & Co., Chicago, Ill.; Sam & Morris Lando, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mark M. Danner, Fort Worth, Texas; Frederick A. Schlens Co., Baltimore, Md.; Western Glass Products Co., San Francisco, Calif.; Percy D. Messenger, Boston, Mass.; Na­than & Morris Lando, Cleveland, Ohio; Blown tableware, tumblers and stemware, colored glassware, bar and liquor glass­ware.

MOUNTAINEER GLASS CO., Weston, W. Va. (Tel. 181). Roscoe L. Cole, president and sales manager. Showrooms : Duncan G. Curtis, Inc., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Kelly & Reasner, 1568 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill. Cut glassware.

NATIONAL GLASS MFG. CO., 45 Me­chanic St., Buffalo, N. Y. (Cleveland 0354). Anna R. Murray, owner; John W. Mur­ray, Jr., sales manager. Cutters of stem­ware and tableware, grey cuttings and rock crystal.

NATIONAL SILVER DEPOSITWARE CO., INC., 44 W. 18th St., New York 11, N. Y. (Chelsea 3-4173). A. Solomon, presi­dent. Decorators of glassware. Gift novel­ties, sterling silver decorated glassware, drinking accessories, chrome and glass giftware.

NETTER, MORTON A., 1017 N. Front St., Philadelphia 23, Pa. (MA 7-3066). Hand-painted glassware and metal serving trays.

NEWLAND, SCHNEELOCH & PIEK, INC. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Manufacturers and distributors of … blown, pressed, machine, kitchen and novelty glassware specialities, undecorated blanks, ...}

NORTON CENTERPIECES, INC., 143 W. 19th St., New York 11, N. Y. (CH 2-4300). R. A. Norton, Jr., president; M. O. Pharr, sales manager. Showrooms: Sally Beasley, 1025 Santa Fe Bldg., Dallas, Texas; Leslie Odum, 307 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Issy Feldman, 1509 Merchan­dise Mart, Chicago, Ill. Manufacturers of glass and plastic table decorations, Aqua-floriums and Cylando orchid corsage.

OAKLAND CHINA & GLASS STUDIO, INC. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: glass decorators, art glass cutters… open stock cut glassware “Ransgil.”}

OVERMYER-PERRAM GLASS CO., P. O. Box 2477, Tulsa, Okla. (Tel. 4-7462). George J. Overmyer, president; K. H. Ov-ermyer, sales manager. “Visible” glass mail box, “Grecian Urn” table or newell post lamp. “Hi-Luster” black glass desk bases for fountain and ball point pens, steins or mugs, goldfish bowls.

OWENS-ILLINOIS GLASS CO., Toledo, Ohio (FAirfax 6543). C. R. Megowen, president; S. L. Rairdon, general sales manager, Glass Container division. Dura-glas bottles and jars, molded plastic and metal closures, corrugated shipping car­tons, Insulux glass block, Hemingray insulators, Kaylo insulating products, Lib-bey Safedge glassware, cut and polished stemware and tumblers, clay coated fold­ing boxboard and paperboard specialties, Kimble laboratory glassware — Neutra-glas, ampuls, vials and serum bottles — tubing and rod — television bulbs and other electronic glassware.

PADEN CITY GLASS CO., Paden City, W. Va. (Paden City 2741). Sam W. Fisher, president; J. Sam Espy, sales manager. Showrooms: D. K. Irwin Co., New York, N. Y. (OR 5-6090); Tinker Glassware, Chicago, Ill. (Delaware 3081); John A. Dobson Co., Baltimore, Md.; Alt-schul Sales Co., San Francisco, Cal (Klon­dike 2-3031); Altschul Sales Co., Los Angeles, Cal. (Vandyke 5555); E. G. Lar-sen, Philadelphia, Pa. (Walnut 2-0271). Pressed and blown tableware, blown table­ware, tumblers and stemware, colored glassware, bar and liquor glassware, nov­elties and specialties, opalware and pri­vate mould work a specialty.

PAUL & CO., INC., EDWARD P. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Manufacturers and importers … glassware …}

PAVEL & CO., F. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: decoration and cutting of glass}

PELTIER GLASS CO., 518 Delon St., Ottawa, Ill. (Ottawa 26). S. H. Peltier, president; J. B. Lowe, sales manager. Showroom: Kelly & Reasner, 222 N. Bank Dr., Chicago, Ill. Novelties and specialties, ash trays, etc., toy glass marbles, jewel lenses, opalware, smoker accessories.

PENNSBORO GLASS CO., Pennsboro, W. Va. (Pennsboro 78). Paul Cowgill, Sr., president; C. Beachler, sales manager. Stemware, bar and liquor glassware, illu­minating glassware.

PERIOD ART REPRODUCTIONS, INC. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Manufacturers and importers … decorative accesories}

PETRI, PITT, 378 Delaware Ave., Buffalo 2, N. Y. (Cleveland 7876). Pitt Petri, partner. Glass decorator and importer.

PHILLIPS GLASS CO., 1635 Central Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio (Main 0941). G. Slone, president. Showrooms: Horace C. Gray Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Bolender & Co., 1551 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill. Decorators of glassware, stemware, barware and novelties, smoker accessories.

PHOENIX GLASS CO., THE, Monaca, Pa. (Rochester 380). T. H. Howard, presi­dent; D. G. Cameron, sales manager. Show­rooms; R. G. Knopp, Los Angeles, Calif. (Michigan 1541); R. L. Test, Chicago, Ill. (Central 5338); H. R. Thornburgh. Chrysler Bldg., New York, N. Y. (MH 6-1315); Duncan G. Curtis, 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (OR 5-5480). Illuminating glassware, opalware, private mould work, novelties and specialties.

1951 Red Book – 93 – American Glassware




$1.50 — set of eight
($1.75 in the West)

Promotions “click” when you sell glassware PLUS . . . “Idea”! In Linguist tumblers, numbered 1 to 8, each number is written in six languages. How many can your guests identify?


Write for illustrations of other “Idea” items
in glass and china



Are You a


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One year  - - - $2.00

Two years - - - $3.50



1250 Century Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.


“Cased Bubble” Ash Tray

from the famous, popularly priced Pilgrim Handcraft line. Pilgrim glass products are produced and created in America by old-world craftsmen in the finest traditions of their art.



225 FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK 10, N. Y.
1951 Red Book – 94 – American Glassware

PILGRIM GLASS CORP. Factory: Hunt­ington, W. Va. (Tel. 34225). Office: 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (MU 6-4433). Alfred Knobler, president. Show­rooms: Ralph P. Higgins Co., 1558 Mer­chandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; Peter C. Goff, Brack Shops, Los Angeles, Cal.; Erich Sieverdes, Forest, Va.; Richard D. Head, Jr., Dallas, Texas. Glassware: Handmade blown, drinkware, tumblers, artware, vases, ashtrays.

PITMAN-DREITZER & CO., INC. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Manufacturer and distributor of … glassware …}

PITTSBURGH CORNING CORP., 307 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Factories: Port Allegany, Pa.; Sedalia, Mo. H. B. Higgins, president; H. R. Haynes, vice president in charge of sales. Showrooms: J. W. Brennan, 30 Rockefeller Plaza. New York. N. Y. (Circle 7-3850); Charles B. Keown, 205 W. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Ill. (Financial 6-2376). Structural glass blocks, Foamglas.

QUALITY GLASS CO., Van Voorhis, W. Va. (Morgantown 3031). R. Emmett Lynch, manager and partner. Agents: R. E. Gleason, Chicago, Ill. (Dearborn 2-2626); Harry J. Levy, New York, N. Y. (Barclay 7-8736); E. B. Cook, 1063 How­ard St., San Francisco, Cal. Milk glass illuminating glassware, private mould work, handmade-blown ware.

QUEEN GLASS CO., Cumberland, Md. (Cumberland 3328). Charles W. Yergan, president. Cut glass table ware.

RADIANT GLASS CO., Fort Smith, Ark. (Fort Smith 2-5005). George D. Carney, president; E. C. Hubbard, sales manager. Lamp chimneys, lantern globes, gas globes, five-gallon water bottles, display cookie jars, private mould work, novelties and specialties, opal illuminating glass­ware, opal and crystal parts for lamps.

RAINBOW ART CO., INC., 1500 Adams Ave., Huntington, W. Va. (Tel. 38390). J. Goudekef, president; H. P. Manus, gen­eral manager. Manufacturers of the most extensive line of hand decorated glassware and gifts, fired for permanency, including tableware, blown tableware, tumblers and stemware, colored glassware, dinnerware. milk glass,; drinking sets, opalware, candy jars. Novelties and specialties, illuminat­ing glassware. Equipped to handle deco­rating on contract basis.

REED DECORATING CO., INC. — See list­ing, American Pottery. { ref: Permanent fired decoration all types glassware }

RICE & CO., INC., IRVING W., 15 W. 34th St., New York, N. Y. (WI 7-5088). Irving W. Rice, president; Lou D. Bloom, sales manager. Perfume bottles, salts and peppers, crystal accessories for boudoir and table crystal gifts.

RITA NOVELTY CO., 2739 N. Fairhill St., Philadelphia, Pa, (GA 6-1555), A. S. Nahon, president. Glass decorator and cutter,

ROART CO., 830 Monroe St., Hoboken, N. J. (HO 2-2020). Arthur Baum, president. Showroom: 61 W. 23rd St., New York, N. Y. Glass manufacturer, also china and glass lamps.

ROBINSON CLAY PRODUCT CO., THE — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Wholesalers … glassware … King O’Dell.}

ROCKWELL SILVER CO., THE, 24 Ran­dolph Ave., Meriden, Conn. (Meriden 5-6371). Wells Rockwell, Sr., president; Wells Rockwell, Jr., sales manager. Show­room: Walter A. Meyer, 366 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (PE 6-1900). Silver and gold deposit ware and hand decorated glassware with silver, gold, platinum and luster color.

RODEFER GLASS CO., THE, Bellaire, Ohio. (Bellaire 1250). C. M. Rodefer, president; W. T. Greenlee, sales manager. Novelties and specialties. illuminating glassware. Private mould work, glassware exclusively.

RUBEL & CO. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Manufacturer and wholesaler... handmade blown and pressed glassware, glass novelties.}

RYAN, INC., MARY — See listing, Amer­ican Pottery. { ref: ... Pressed glassware, bar glassware...}

ST. CLAIR GLASS WORKS, 408 N. 5th St., Elwood, Ind. (Tel. 1202). John B. and Jos. L. St. Clair, partnership. Hand­made fancy glass paperweights, ash trays, perfume bottles, vases, bookends and ta­ble lamps. “Flowers in Glass.”

SCANDIA GLASS WORKS, P. O. Box 9095, Huntington, W. Va. (Tel. 31443).

Sten A. Bergquist, president and sales manager. Showroom: Giftware line in hands of Geo. Borgfeldt Corp., 44-60 E. 23rd St., New York 10. N. Y. (Gramercy 7-0400). Write or call factory concerning other lines. Hand blown and hand pressed tableware, colored glassware, novelties and specialties, milk glass, opalware. domestic and commercial illuminating ware, lamp parts, private mould work only.

SCOTT DEPOT GLASS CO., P. O. Box 813, Fort Smith, Ark. Factory: Cedars, Okla. O. C. Hamon, owner. Showroom: Dudley E. Bernays Co., 209 Lindsey Dr., Jackson, Miss. Communion glasses, small tumblers, glass swans, cornucopias, mari­gold glass, novelties and specialties.

SENECA GLASS CO., Morgantown, W. Va. (Morgantown 2-3315). Harry G. Kammer-er, president; Louis W. Stenger, vice president. Showrooms: 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; 1545 Merchandise Mart Chicago, Ill.; Charles & Saratoga Sts., Bal­timore, Md.; 656 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, Cal.; P. O. Box 13184, Houston, Texas; J. Winkler, 407 Terminal Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Seneca crystal.

SHELBY GLASS CO., EARL, Huntington, W. Va. (Tel. 5237). Ila E. Owens, general manager. Communion glasses. Handmade blown.

1951 Red Book – 95 – American Glassware


Hand Cut Glass Stemware, Flat Table Ware, Vases,
Shammed Tumblers and Bar Accessories



99 Bedford St.
Boston, Mass.
323 Morris Bldg.
Baltimore. Md.
160 Fifth Ave.
New York, N. Y.
1546 Merchandise Mart
Chicago, Ill.
301 Tabor Bldg.
Denver. Colo.
21 N. Shippen St.
Lancaster, Pa.
324 Harrison Ave.
Elkins Park 17, Pa.
656 S. Los Angeles St.
Los Angeles, Calif.
900 W. 47th Court
Miami Beach 40, Fla.



COLUMBIA        Established 1910        PENNSYLVANIA

SILVERBROOK ART GLASS WORKS, Riverhead, N. Y. (Riverhead 2987). Joseph Kreutz, manager and owner. Free hand formed glass products for gifts. Vases, cornucopias, fish, pheasants, ash trays, bookends, candlesticks, etc.

SILVER CITY GLASS CO., INC., 122 Charles St., Meriden, Conn. (Meriden 5-7911). C. A. Schultz, president; James A. Woodburn, sales manager. Glassware decorators.

SIMINGTON GLASS & PLASTIC, 3084 W. Valley Blvd., Alhambra, Cal. (Atlantic 2-4761). C. W. Simington, owner. Hand-decorated glassware, glass bending, sand blasting; monogramming, bar accessories, plastic forming.

SINACO CO., INC. — See listing, Ameri­can Pottery. { ref: Decorators }

SINCLAIR GLASS CO., Ceredo, W. Va. (Kenova 2281). F. F. Hodges, president; F. R. Hodges, sales manager. Colored glassware, illuminating glassware, opal-ware, novelties and specialties, private mould work.

SLOAN GLASS CO., P. O. Box 539, Cum­berland, Md. (Cumberland 2138). Show­rooms: Harold F. Phillips, 1133 Broad­way. New York 10, N. Y. (Watkins 9-4214): Robert H. Stearns. 104 Gainsbor­ough St., Boston 15, Mass. (KE 6742); Dunn & Urnberg, San Francisco, Cal. (Market 1-7410); Ben F. Feldner, 415 Burns Dr.. Detroit, Mich.; Nu Trends. 150 W. 12th St.. Los Angeles, Cal. Tum­blers and stemware, bar and liquor glass­ware.

SMITH GLASS CO., L. E., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. (Mt. Pleasant 2341). J. S. Hall, pres­ident and sales manager. Showrooms: H. W. Becker, 515 Kinloch Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.: Robt. P. Ingram & Co., 502 Mer­chandise Mart, Kansas City 6, Mo.; Ed­ward G. Larson, Castle Rock, Newtown Square, Pa.; Gilbert J. Lehman, 339 Santa Fe Bldg., 2nd Unit, Dallas, Texas; Percy D. Messenger, 99 Bedford St., Boston. Mass.; H. J. Moscovitz, 10 W. 23rd St.. New York, N. Y.; Harry Hyman & Son. 254 W. 54th St., New York 19. N. Y.; F. A. Schlens Co., 66 River Beach Dr., Ormond Beach, Fla.; Martin M. Simpson & Co., 1562 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; Guy O. Davis Co., 501 Merchandise Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.; Louis Levine, 153 Temple St., New Haven, Conn.; A. S. Bell, 1355 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.; M. G. Van Auken, 3040 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal.; E. R. Wadlington, 209 Ter­minal Sales Bldg., Seattle, Wash.; L. M. Ryerson, Brack Shops, 527 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal.; The John E. Naumann Co., 1836 Euclid Ave., Cleveland. Ohio. Pressed tableware, illuminating glassware, novelties and specialties, private mould work.

1951 Red Book – 96 – American Glassware

SNEATH GLASS CO., Hartford City, Ind. (Tel. 1028-29). A. C. Crimmel, president; H. H. Crimmel, sales manager. Show­rooms: C. B. Sturgeon, Chicago, Ill. (SUP 7-7998); Harry Crawford, Detroit, Mich. (Woodward 1-5389); D. King Irwin, 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (OR 5-6090). Ovenware, colored glassware, private mould work, novelties and specialties, Over-the-Flame ware, defrost trays for refrigerators, illuminating ware.

STARLINE GLASS PRODUCTS CO., 296 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn 2, N. Y. (Main 5-6912). Maurice Levin, president. Novel­ty mirrors cut to reproduce actual figures for decorative and display trade. Xmas novelties, such as mirror stars, trees, crys­tals, snowflakes, etc. Also made from “Sparkle Glass” in six colors.

STRAUB & CO., INC., PAUL A. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Importers, representatives, jobbers … glassware …}

SUN GLO STUDIOS —See listing, Amer­ican Pottery. { ref: Wholesalers of glassware, glass novelties, …}

SUSQUEHANNA GLASS CO., Columbia, Pa. (Tel. 42155). Albert Roye, president; Walter Roye, vice president. Showrooms: J. Wolff, 160 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Ira A, Jones Co., Room 1546, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; George D. Dinkel, 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass.; Edwin F. Bokee, 323 Morris Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Cut glassware. Decorated and cut shades and vases, console sets, tumblers, water sets.

TANNE’S ART WORKS — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Decorators}

TATLER, INC. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Decorators }

TECHNICAL GLASS CO., INC., 2050 E. 48th St., Los Angeles 11, Calif. (Jeffer­son 2291-92-93). Lawrence L. Rosenthal, president; Edwin P. Rosenthal, sales man­ager. Blown table ware, tumblers and stem­ware, bar and liquor glassware, novelties and specialties, illuminating glassware, opal ware.

THARAUD & SON, INC., JUSTIN — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Distributor Russel Wright “Highlight” dinnerware.}

THORPE, DOROTHY C. (ORIGINALS), 902 Thompson Ave., Glendale, Calif. (Cit-rus 2-1580) (Chapman 5-1393). George A. Thorpe, president and sales manager. Showrooms: Sun-Glo Studio, Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; Sun-Glo Studio, 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Bar acces­sories, colored glassware, dinnerware, fan­cies, hand-decorated ware, sand-blasted, silver and gold, stemware, tumblers, smoker accessories, novelties and special­ties, linens and lamps.

TURCHIN CO., H. H., 41 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. (VA 6-4052). H. H. Turchin, president; T. N. Turchin, sales manager. Showrooms: Exhibitors Bldg.. Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1200 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fla.; 575 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. “Seaspray” tableware and “Sea-foam” glass furniture and aquaria.

TWIN CITY ROCK CRYSTAL SHOP, 2801 Riverside Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn. (Geneva 2547). Gustave S. Carlson, president. Cut glass manufacturers, cut­ters of rock crystal ware. Table ware of all kinds. In crystal and novelty glassware. Removal of chips from all types of glass­ware.

UNITED GLASS INDUSTRIES CORP., 20 W. 22nd St., New York 10, N. Y. (OR 5-4539). Irving Schreiber, president. Hand decorated and hand-cut glassware.

UNITED STATES GLASS CO., Tiffin, Ohio (Tiffin 1985). Factory, Glassport, Pa. (Tel. 8212). C. W. Carlson, president; Carl R. Kalnow, sales manager. Show­rooms : Frank Lough & James Cocanour, New York, N. Y. (Watkins 9-2940); Wm. J. Steinkemper, Chicago, Ill. (Superior 7-8490); Greenberg & Behm, Los Angeles. Cal. (Michigan 7526); John Hines, 16 Flagg St., Worcester, Mass.; George Zeigler, 1713 Ambassador Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Pressed tableware, blown tableware tumblers and stemware, colored glassware, milk glass, hand decorated ware, bar and liquor glassware, opal ware, novelties and specialties, private mould work. “Tiffin-ware.”

VARIETY ART GLASS CO., 40 W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. (CH 3-2260). Rich­ard Pallini, president. Blown glass balls, glass crushers, stirrers and spoons.

VARIETY METAL & DECORATING CO., INC., 3134 Jerome Ave., New York 58, N. Y. (CY 5-3250). Morris B. Solomon president; Sidney N. Solomon, sales man­ager. Repesentatives: Philip E. Ebb, 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. (MU 5-4074); 1564 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill. Decorator and cutter — complete mon-ogrammed line, photo frames, cocktail and highball sets, relish sets, cigarette boxes and ashtrays.

VENEZIAN ART GLASS CO., Catletts-burg, Ky. (Tel. 410). J. J. DiBella, pres­ident; John DiBella, sales manager. Col­ored glassware, novelties and specialties, blown tableware, tumblers and stemware, bar and liquor glassware, paperweights. Venezian Quattara vases in colors and crystal, glass canes, door stops, opalware. illuminating glassware. private mould work, hotel and restaurant glassware, glass dinnerware.

VERLYS OF AMERICA, INC., 342 Madi­son Ave., New York, N. Y. (MU 2-5320). Charles Franck, president. Decorative crystal.

VICTORY GLASS, INC., Jeannette, Pa. (Jeannette 1460). Mayer Wolinsky, pres­ident and sales manager. Showrooms: Fred Skelton, New York, N. Y. (Murray Hill 3-0412); Wm. Hubbert, Philadel­phia, Pa.; Edward Reeves, 343 S. Dear­born, Chicago, Ill. (Webster 9-2575); Nathan Kirshenbaum, 325 E. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal. Illuminating glassware, opalware, novelties and spe­cialties, private mould work, milk glass, sand-blasted, smoker accessories.

1951 Red Book – 97 – American Glassware

VIKING GLASS CO., New Martinsville, W. Va. (New Martinsville 38). C. T. Swartling, president and treasurer; C. E. Willis, sales manager. Representatives with showrooms: George E. Weigl Co., 230 Fifth Ave, New York 1, N. Y. (Mur­ray Hill 5-4785); Walter H. Hovey Co., 1355 Market St., San Francisco 3, Cal. (Market 11169); Corris and Dunn, 427 Merchandise Mart, Honolulu 13, Hawaii; Martin M. Simpson and Co., 1562 Mer­chandise Mart, Chicago 54, Ill. (Whitehall 4-6419); F. F. Brown Co., Room 400 Mer­chandise Mart, 712 S. Olive St., Los An­geles 14, Cal. (VAndyke 7490); Other representatives: Lee Kennedy and Asso­ciates, 3500 Ridgewood Rd. N.W., Atlanta, Ga. (CHerokee 4984); Howard Gibb, Riv-erton, N. J. (Riverton 9-0802); James Weikel, P. O. Box 1977, Greensboro, N. C. (4-1585); Harry Hyman and Son (Export Manager), 254 W. 54th St., New York 19, N. Y. (Circle 7-1726); Paul H. Snow, 3779 Honeycut Rd., Salt Lake City 6, Utah (Holliday 87-0828); James Guy, R. D. 2, South Zanesville, Ohio (2-0720) ; Eugene L. Miller, New Martinsville, W. Va. (New Martinsville 38) ; Alan Symmes, High St., Chelmsford, Mass. (Lowell 29597); Mark M. Danner, 1828 Tremont St., Fort Worth, Texas (Pershing 6096); Taylor Alaska Sales Co., P. O. Box 66, Spenard, Alaska (31701); W. S. Mann, 4226 W. 74th St., Mission, Kan. (Fellows 8280). Handmade glassware (pressed and blown): plain, cut and etched, colored; tableware; novelties, gifts and specialties; private mould work.

WARRIN CHINA & GLASS CO., INC.— See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Decorators… gold, enamel, silver deposit.}

WARSAW CUT GLASS CO., S. Detroit St., Warsaw, Ind. (Warsaw 320). O. A. Hugo, owner. Cut glassware.

WEIL, LEWIS P., 90 Church Lane, Phila­delphia, Pa. (Tennessee 9-5811). Electric table fountains, bent cathedral glassware, special mould work, daisy and button re­productions.

WENTZ, CO., M. C—See listing, Ameri­can Pottery. { ref: Ranch Brand glassware, Square Dance glassware. }

WEST FORK CUT GLASS CO., 282 Lib­erty St., Salem, W. Va. (Salem 3151. Arthur A. Borchert, president. Contract glass cutters and sandblasters for glass factory or jobbers.

WEST VIRGINIA GLASS SPECIALTY CO., Weston, W. Va. (Weston 842). John Weber, Sr., president; John C. Weber, Jr., general sales manager; Ervin Ransinger, assistant sales manager. Showrooms: Mrs. Frank C. Branum, Room 1102, Brack Shops Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Cal.; Mrs. Frank C. Branum, 1355 Market St., San Francisco, Cal.; Mrs. H. W. Becker, 515-17 Kinloch Bldg., St. Louis 1, Mo.; Dun­can G. Curtis, Rooms 208-210, 200 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N. Y.; The Woodall Cook Co., Unit No. 2, Santa Fe Bldg., Dallas 2, Texas; George D. Dinkel, 99 Bedford St., Boston, Mass.; Fisher-Meier, 102 Terminal Sales Bldg., Seattle 1, Wash.; Fisher-Meier, Portland Merchan­dise Mart, Portland, Ore.; James Grogan, 50 Yarmouth Rd., Toronto 4, Ont., Canada; Harry Hyman & Son (export), 254 W. 54th St., New York 19, N. Y.; Hoskins Brokerage Co., Room 15, 67 Wazee Mar­ket, Denver, Col.; Harry M. Hopkins, 408 Cascade Rd., Forest Hills, Pittsburgh 21, Pa.; Kelly & Reasner, 1568 Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, Ill.; Edward G. Larson, Castle Rock, Newtown Square, Pa.; Gene Rahn, Inc., 5457 N. 35th St., Milwaukee 9, Wis.; Frederick A. Schlens Co., 66 River-beach Dr., Ormond Beach, Fla.; L. H. Wode, Room 302, Southern Ohio Bank Bldg., Cincinnati 2, Ohio; George G. Younie, 1346 Broadway, Detroit 26, Mich. Blown table ware, tumblers and stemware, bar and liquor glassware, colored glass­ware, novelties and specialties, private mould work.

WESTMORELAND GLASS CO., Grapeville, Pa. (Jeannette 11-12). James J. Brain-ard, president; J. H. Brainard, vice president and treasurer; W. M. Brainard, as­sistant treasurer; P. C. Brainard, secre­tary. Representatives: John A. Dobson & Co., 110 Hopkins PI., Baltimore, Md.; H. P. & H. F. Hunt Co., 93 Summer St., Bos­ton, Mass; Ira A. Jones Co., 1546 Mer­chandise Mart, Chicago, Ill.; Rider-Buchel, Inc., 10th Floor, 2nd Unit, Santa Fe Bldg., Dallas, Texas; Metropolitan New York: Horace C. Gray Co., 200 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.; Upper New York State: Thomas L. Hogan & Sons, 211 Salt Spring St., Fayetteville, N. Y.; Dillon-Wells, Inc.. 760 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal. F. J. Tiedeken, 1011 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Harry M. Hopkins, 408 Cascade Rd., Pittsburgh 21. Pa.; Fisher-Meier, 821 N.W. Flanders St., Merchandise Mart, Portland, Ore.; Fisher-Meier, 102 Terminal Sales Bldg., Seattle, Wash.; in Canada: Hacking Agencies in principal Canadian cities; main office: 144 Water St., Vancouver B. C.; Eugene Bohm, 530 O’Reilly St., Havana, Cuba. Authentic handmade Amer­ican reproductions in milk glass and crys­tal. Ivy rings, black glass, antique blue glass. Tableware and individual pieces. Hand decorated milk glass and crystal. Milk glass chickens and novelties, opal-ware, ruby on crystal glassware, goblets and other stemware.

WESTPHAL CO., INC., G. A. — See list­ing, American Pottery. { ref: Importers and Wholesaler glass miniatures…}

1951 Red Book – 98 – American Glassware

WHEELING DECORATING CO., INC. — See listing, American Pottery. { ref: Decorators }

WILLIAMS GLASSWARE CO., 2034 Ven­ice Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal (RE 3-7355). Roger E. Williams, president. Showrooms: Ira A. Jones Co., 1546 Merchandise Mart, Chicago, Ill. (Superior 7-7170); Clyde Mc-Culloh, 527 W. 7th St., Los Angeles 14, Cal. (VA 8030); Cox & Co., 208 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Glassware, glass cutters and decorators.