Site concepts
- Details
- Category: Site Notices
- Published on Friday, 01 February 2013 19:33
- Written by Frank Andrews
- Hits: 11443
Getting started
Scanning, digitising, cleaning images, formatting, publishing!
That is going to keep me busy for years to come but at the same time the Glass-Study will develop to provide a rich environment for glass researchers. Apart from providing material to read or re-use in your own work we hope to get your input to share in our community. You might review the works listed drawing attention to errors and dubious material. In time a method for including annotations directly into the texts will be found. These can be private, for your own personal purposes or shared, so that others can benefit.
It could be that a text raises questions for you - that is what our forums are for. You can freely draw on the material to be discussed, copying in the portions that illustrate your arguments (For images you can include by adding a link e.g. [img size=150]http://www.glass-study.com/cms/images/stories/articleEN/CG_RM01_P18_07.jpg[/img]
I did this by right clicking on an image and selecting 'copy image location'. Back in the mesaage window I clicked the 'Img' button and posted the image location in between the tags that the button inserted. Note it provides a width limit, you might need to adjust that if the resulting image is too small.
It is also my intentionsd to provide private rooms where 2 or more members can collaborate on producing new works and invite in others on an as needed basis, ultimately inviting peer review before publishing either as a book or even withing the Glass Study.
At some point the ability to charge a fee for access to individual material will be implemented. This will allow writers to earn an income from their work.
TRANSLATIONS: It is hoped to be able to add translations of digitised works and anyone interested in translating anything, please get in touch. Translated versions could be freely shared or if the translator needs an income access to the translation being chargeable.
IMAGE RIGHTS: All members are allowed to use the images on this site as stated in our terms and conditions but for many purposes larger versions will be needed. When available these can be provided on request. A small fee to cover handling costs and labour will be levied. This would be discussed on a case by case basis - but the non-profit priciple of this site will keep such charges nominal!
PERMANENCE: It is intended to build a fund that will be managed as a charity for preserving and continuing the Glass Study and other Glass websites. Individuals with any experience of charity organisation are asked to get in touch to help organise this.