Stevens and Williams - New Services (UK c1900)

Stevens & Williams, New Services Cover estimated 1892-1903
{ If you can help improve date estimation, please post in the forums, after discussion they will be inserted below.
The catalogue contents from pages 2-30 are on the Glass Catalogue here}
Stevens & Williams, New Services Research Notes estimated 1892-1903

{ This catalogue was sourced in the USA, the rear cover was signed by a James Hoare, see below. James Hoare could be the one who was part owner of J. Hoare & Company 1854-1920 based in Corning, New York.

There were some pencilled lines over parts of a few model illustrations, these do not show in the restored images. A cutter's thoughts or a child at play?

Catalogue uses some possibly old style spellings for Caraffe for Carafe and Intagliod for Intaglioed.

Charles Hadjamach: British Glass 1800-1914 page 290, states that Intaglio fiirst appeared in S&W pattern books in July 1892.}

Signature of James Hoare from rear of page 30.

{Jane Shadel Spillman - Curator of American Glass - The Corning Museum of Glass. Has compared to their copy of the catalogue:

“...they are almost identical, but not quite. The only difference that I could see is that the title page of ours has the phone number listed as 8501 on the seal on the right hand side, not 12002 as on yours. However, the pages are the same although we have page 1 and also page 31.

I did compare the James Hoare signature with that on the 1908 articles of incorporation of his company and it is definitely not the same hand. So I'm puzzled by that because I don't know of any other Hoares in the glass business in the United States. His son was named John, not James. It's possible that one of the company officials signed Mr. Hoare's name on the catalog because it was a company copy, but of course that's just a guess.”}

{Gail Bardhan, Reference & Research Librarian, The Corning Museum of Glass following up from Jane Spillman writes:
“Our previous cataloger often gave an indication as to why she suggested a date of publication. For this catalog, all that she said was "circa 1895".

Our catalog had been owned by Frederick Carder, which would probably mean the latest year for publication could be 1903, when he immigrated to the US. Yours is missing the first plate; our copy has it, and it shows ware no. 19035.

The American Pottery Gazette, Nov. 1906, indicated that the building at 47 Holborn Viaduct, housing S & W, burned down on Sept. 12th, 1906.

Your comments on the mispelled words would indicate to me that perhaps the printer was not as careful as he might have been!

I don't have specific knowledge of Stevens & Williams and their intaglio services, except that I found in a folder that we have on S & W a quote from the American Pottery Gazette for Sept. 1904, which stated that intaglio decoration was introduced by Stevens & Williams about fifteen years ago. However, with any printed material, one always has to ascertain the accuracy of information, and not take it at face value!

Often the glass trade journals are useful for information on firms' new catalogs and new lines, but we have the British Pottery Gazette and Glass Trade Review only through 1894. Stevens & Williams did not seem to advertise or be featured much in the news section on the Stourbridge firms.

I looked at the description books from S&W, which we borrowed from S&W, and microfilmed. The highest ware number in the catalog is 19718, which appears in Description Book #17, which dates to about 1893.”}

Stevens & Williams, New Services Title 1 estimated 1892-1903

All communications to be addressed to the Works.





3 Minutes walk from the Brierley Hill Station, G.W.R.

Telegraphic Address: ‘CRYSTAL Brierley Hill.
Telephone No. 12OO2.


Table and Decorative Art Glass in Richly Cut, Engraved, Rock Crystal,
Intaglio, Cameo, Enamelled and Fancy Colored deposited, &c.

London Offices and Show Rooms: 47, HOLBORN VIADUCT, EC.

Stevens & Williams, New Services Title 2 estimated 1892-1903

All communications to be addressed to the Works.


Established 1776.



Many of the special productions of this Manufactory are
protected under the Patents and Designs Act.

Special Designs and Estimates can be prepared on application at short notice.


Table & Toilet Services
Richly Cut, Engraved,
Rock Crystal, Intaglio,
Gold and Enamelled,
and Venetian,
Domestic Services,
Table Decorations,
Flower Vases,
Specimens and Epergnes
in great variety of
Color and Design.



High-Class Decorated Goods
Gold or Silver Mounting,
Electric Light Shades,
Large and Small
Table Lamps
pure Crystal and Color,
Quaint and Grotesque
Glass in
Wine Flagons, Jugs,
Sets, &c.
Reproductions of
Ancient Glass.

Telegraphic Address: CRYSTAL, BRIERLEY HILL. Telephone No. 12002.

London Offices and Show Rooms: 47, HOLBORN VIADUCT, E.C.

Stevens & Williams, New Services Contents not in original
  • Page I. Missing from this example of the catalogue (No. 19035)
  • Page II. No. 16173, Intagliod Service (10 items)
  • Page III. No. 8851, Richly Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page IV. No. 11493, Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page V. No. 14156, Richly Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page VI. No. 17142, Intagliod Service (9 items)
  • Page VII. No. 17000, Richly Cut Service (9 items)
  • Page VIII. No. 5561, Richly Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page IX. No. 14534, Cut Service (11 items)
  • Page X. No. 18182, Etched Service (10 items)
  • Page XI. No. 16939, Richly Cut Service (9 items)
  • Page XII. No. 17222, Rock Crystal Service (11 items)
  • Page XIII. No. 16463, Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page XIV. No. 15156, Etched Service (10 items)
  • Page XV. No. 16965, Richly Cut Service (9 items)
  • Page XVI No. 17223, Engraved Service (11 items)
  • Page XVII. No. 15449, Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page XVIII. No. 13642, Cut Service (11 items)
  • Page XIX. No. 16101, Etched Service (10 items)
  • Page XX. No. 17224, Cut Service (11 items)
  • Page XXI. No. 16335, Etched Service (10 items)
  • Page XXII. No. 6558, Richly Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page XXIII. No. 13903, Etched Service (10 items)
  • Page XXIV. No. 13999, Cut Service (11 items)
  • Page XXV. No. 16464, Cut Service (10 items)
  • Page XXVI. Various items, glasses, decanters, jugs (11 items)
  • Page XXVII. Various items, glasses, jugs (15 items)
  • Page XXVIII. Various glasses (15 items)
  • Page XXIX. No. 19540, Etched Louis XIV Service (10 items)
  • Page XXX. No. 19718, Cut Service (10 items)