Trade Journal UK

PGGTR 1949 December - Part 2 Editorial

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Pottery Gazette

and Glass Trade Review

December 1949

Page 1437

Pottery Gazette

& Glass Trade Review

Established 1875



Scott Greenwood & Son, Ltd. 


8, Ludgate Broadway, London, E.C.4.
Telephone: CITy 4788.
Telegrams: Printeries, Cent, London.


Sutherland Chambers, Stoke-on-Trent.
Telephone : Stoke-on-Trent 48037

All communications to Head Office.


One   Year: £1. 0. 0  post free
Two  Years: £1.15.0 post free
ThreeYears: £2. 5. 0  post  free 




Topics of the Moment …   …   …   …   …   … 1439
Personnel Managers   …   …   …   …   …   … 1441
Tradition and Change in Pottery Manufacture …  1443
Princess Elizabeth Visits the Potteries      …   … 1444
Doulton Research Laboratory     … …   …   …  1447
Ancient Celtic Art for Pottery Decoration      … 1448
Relics of Captain Scott …  …   …  …   …  …  1451
A China Shop in Two Streets    …   …  …   … 1452
Potters of Fez        …  …   …  …   …  …   … 1454
Rare Toby Jugs     …  …   …  …   …  …   …  1456
Glass Beads    …   …   …  …   …  …   …  …  1459
Export News       … …   …  …   …  …   …  … 1460
Designed for Export     … …   …  …   …  … 1461
Nine Months’ Exports    … …   …  …   …  … 1464
News … …   …  …   …  …   …  …   …  …  1466
Glass Trade      … …   …  …   …  …   …  …   1474

Lower half of page advert: Booths & Colcloughs Ltd. Pottery



Page 1438: HRH Princess Elizabeth. Doulton & Co Ltd.

Topics of the Moment. . . .


After subsidence of the rejoicing and general excitement which the recent visit of Princess Elizabeth occasioned in the Potteries, a lone voice has suggested that the Royal tour might have included a brief visit to the works of one of the ceramic transfer printers. Half an hour, it said, would not have seriously interfered with the programme. The same voice emphasised the geographical and spiritual relationship existing between the printers (“those unceasing toilers”) and the pottery industry, and reminded us that without the co-operation of the former, production for export would be jeopardised.

Since the voice in question belongs to a well-known art director of a pottery company, the thoughts expressed are worthy of attention. No one will question their sincerity, nor is their accuracy disputed.

When the art director first made his views on this subject known to The Pottery Gazette (he has since made them public knowledge by a letter published in a Potteries newspaper) he was at great pains to point out the importance of the printers' contribution to production, their loyalty to the potters, indispensability, etc. It is not for us to offer an opinion as to whether these admirable qualities could have been recognised by a visit (however brief) from the Princess. We are concerned, however, that the position of the ceramic printers shall be kept in perspective. Their contribution to pottery exports must not be exaggerated, nor must their serious shortcomings be concealed.

As we have pointed out before, the present transfer shortage is not so much due to unprecedented demands for pottery, as to the almost complete failure of the ceramic transfer printers to prepare (as the potters have done) for the future. If the printers were to operate their machines and their workpeople for twenty-four hours a day seven days a week (as a matter of interest they enjoy a five day week) they would not make much impression on the heavy arrears of orders. What should they do? They need to do what they should have done four or five years ago — arrange, if possible, to instal modern machines, particularly those required for photolithography. And when the Potteries ceramic transfer printers introduce modern methods, we certainly will pay them tribute.


The question of incentives for workers in industry, so ably taken up by Lord McGowan, chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries, in Birmingham last month, when he addressed 4,000 industrialists at a meeting called by the National Union of Manufacturers, will sooner or later have to be considered by the glass and the ceramic industries.

As a matter of general principle, we agree with Lord McGowan when he says that wherever possible piece rates should be introduced as the invariable method of payment. Works managers and even the operatives (if they are conscientious) much prefer it. But there is a snag, and it is a serious one.

During the course of conversation with a lead crystal glass manufacturer at Stourbridge last month, we inquired whether there had been any improvement in the labour position, and whether there had been any change for the better in the rate of production of cut lead crystal. Skilled glass-blowers, said this manufacturer, were not available in sufficient numbers. These men, who were generally of late middle age and older, were the remnants of the pre-war glass-blowers. Others had died, some had retired, and many of those that still remained found it not easy to regain their pre-war skill after the war-time embargo on the production of top-quality hand-blown stemware and trinket trays.

Production would not increase, said this manufacturer, so long as pay-as-you-earn income tax deductions continued to operate as at present. A glass-blower, who is paid by piece rate, is content to earn for himself a certain wage. He does not unduly extend himself in the process, and knows near enough the speed at which he must work to obtain that wage. Not only, therefore, is the glass-blower controlling his own output, but he is also setting certain limitations upon the size of the wage packet of the other men of his chair, which is usually five.

The problem is essentially a very human one, and it will not be easily solved by the exclusive adoption of piece work systems unless some relaxation occurs in the rate of income tax payable.

Another problem in the glass industry is the question of training apprentices. The manufacturers find from experience that this can best be achieved by instruction at the works under the glass-blower during normal working hours. At one glassworks, special instruction (with payment) was for a time given during Sunday mornings, but attendance gradually deteriorated, and the experiment was dropped. Under an arrangement with the Ministry of Labour, apprentices can be deferred from National Service. Few apprentices take advantage of this, said our informant.


To-day “Festivals” seem a little out of place, but as we are committed to the 1951 Festival of Britain it would be as well to use the money it will cost to help British industry.

We do not approve of the announced intention of fitting the products of the pottery industry into a wide picture. This Festival, even with “economy cuts,” and allowing for receipts, will cost £9,000,000, but we are told it will not be a “trade fair.” Although we do not suggest that it should be just a “trade fair,” we do most strongly advocate that resulting trade must not be forgotten.

So far, there seems to have been too much emphasis on design and what the Council of Industrial Design thinks the world should see; but it would be more to the point to exhibit at the Festival what industry knows the world requires. Too often it is supposed that the “New World” wants streamlining in everything. A perusal of our contemporary, the Crockery and Glass Journal, of the United States, suggests quite the contrary, and as we are committed to a big expenditure, let us see that it is spent to help trade. Without trade, even idealists can do little but dream.


Page 1440: Mintons Ltd. Pottery

Page 1441: Pottery article: Personnel Managers.

Page 1442: John Wedgwood & Sons Ltd. Pottery.

Page 1443: Article: Tradition and Change in Pottery Manufacture.

Page 1444-6: Article: Princess Elizabeth Visits the Potteries

Page 1447: Article: Royal Doulton Laboratory

Page 1448-50: Article: Celtic Art for Pottery Decoration.

Page 1451: Article: Relics of Captain Scott - Pottery aboard “Discovery”

Page 1452-3: Article: A China Shop in Two Streets.

Page 1454-5: Article: Potters of Fez.

Page 1456-8: Article: Rare Toby Jugs - Famous Figures of Two World Wars.

Page 1459


The Ballotini glass beads are shown in the top photograph, in actual size. The diameters range from 1/10 m.m. to 12m.m. { Approx Ÿ actual size here}

Glass Beads

Aid Science, Cinemas, Signs

“BALLOTINI” is the name given to the small glass spheres which are used principally in medicine, the cinema and in road transport. It is manu­factured in this country by only one firm — Chance Brothers, Ltd., of Smethwick, the makers of scientific and optical glass and the foremost lighthouse engin­eers in the world.

Ballotini consists of small particles of special glass which are processed into spheres and then graded in size for different uses. The smallest grade is less than 1/10 mm. in diameter and the largest grade is about 1 mm. diameter; this is Ballotini proper. In addi­tion, glass beads are produced, the smallest grade having a diameter of 2-3 mm. and the largest 11-12 mm.

The fine Ballotini in intermediate grades is used for coating the surfaces of cinema screens; it has a very high reflection factor, particularly at narrow angles to the line of projection.

The principal use for the larger grades of beads is in medicine. For the storage of blood plasma, which proved of such vital importance during the war, it is necessary to remove the red component. The blood is shaken with the beads and this accelerates coagulation of the red part and also collects on the surface of the glass a material which, if not removed, would cause coagulation of the plasma itself. When this process of separation is complete the plasma is then syphoned off and can then be stored in the usual way. The beads are also used in laboratories as, for instance, for specialised filtration purposes.

More recently experiments have been carried out on an application of much wider interest, namely, the coating of white lines for highways, curbs on high­ways, pedestrian crossing markings, and also direction signs. In the latter application the letters, numbers, etc., are painted black against a white background, which is coated with Ballotini. This produces a very spec­tacular result in the beam of a head-lamp.

There are big prospects for Ballotini in the possi­bility of its extended use in this connection. The coating of highway direction signs is already estab­lished, but the application of Ballotini to white lines, pedestrian crossings, curbs, etc., is yet to be estab­lished in this country, but it is hoped that this will come about, as in America.

Chance Brothers are planning to meet the increas­ing demand which will inevitably result from general application of Ballotini to the principal highways of Great Britain by the installation of new plant. This is only a small part of their programme for improved manufacture in many other fields.

The reflection effect of Ballotini beads on road signs is shown on the right. Ordinary paint was used for Elm Road but for Meadow Way Ballotini was used on the background.


Export News

Overseas Visitors

Mr. R. G. Prestt, president, Prestt and Co., Ltd., 2052, St. Catherine Street West, Montreal, importers, manufacturers' representatives: c/o Canadian Bank of Commerce, 2, Lombard Street, London, E.C.3 (MANsion House 9541).

Mr. Norman Downes, fancy goods buyer, Myer Emporium, Ltd., 314, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic.: c/o Myer Emporium (London) Ltd., Walpole House, 87-91, New Bond Street, London, W.1 (GROsvenor 1543).

Mr. H. Grenville, John Dynon and Sons, 406-408, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Vic: c/o C. W. Hartrodt and Co., Ltd., Peek House, 20, Eastcheap, London, E.C.3 (MANsion House 1937). Buying glassware, pottery.

Mr. L. Wolkenberg, manufacturers' agent and importer, 157, Queen Street, Melbourne, C.1. In London early January: c/o A. T. Kinswood and Co., Ltd., 11, Boundary Road, Shoreditch High Street, London, E.2.

Mr. D. H. Outwin, Penang branch, The Borneo Co., Ltd., Sackville House, 143, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3, export and import merchants, manufacturers' representatives, etc.

Chasing Business

Mr. P. A. Berthon, of the European Section of " Betro," 48, Dover Street, London, W.1, leaves this month to visit the principal European Colonies in Africa. His itinerary includes two hard-currency markets — Liberia and the Belgian Congo — and four in the sterling area — Gold Coast, Nigeria, Northern and Southern Rhodesia — as well as Portuguese West and East Africa.

Bound for Africa is Lord Inchcape, partner in Gray, Dawes and Co., 122, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3, exporters to East Africa, Iraq, Persia and the Persian Gulf, and chairman of Smith, Mackenzie and Co., Ltd., merchants and manufacturers' representatives, who are established in Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar. He will travel through East and South Africa and the Rhodesias, and is due back just before Christmas.

Mr. A. N. Stuart and Mr. N. Airth Grant, respectively chairman and a director of Alex. Lawrie and Co., Ltd., Brown's Buildings, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C.3, East India and East African merchants, are currently visiting East Africa, where the inter-territorial subsidiary, Kettles-Roy and Tysons (Mombasa) Ltd., importers and manufacturers' agents, nave several branches.

M. Armand Dutry, managing director of Armand Dutry and Co. (Adeco) Ltd., 25, Hyde Park Gate, London, S.W.7, is touring the Belgian Congo, where the Société Anonyme Belge Armand Dutry et Cie. are established at Leopoldville and Elisabethville. He will call at Cairo and Athens on the homeward trip.

Leaving shortly to visit Pakistan, India and Ceylon is Mr., J. S. Hoskins, managing director of Levetus, Ltd., 194, Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2, export merchants and buying agents. He should, early in March, reach Colombo, where Mr. Graham Willis, a director of Lyall Willis and Co., Ltd., 52, Baker Street, London, W.1, manufacturers' export sales agents, spent a week recently.

Mr. Alec R. Malcolm, managing director, and Mr. C. R. Akers, a director, of The Borneo Co., Ltd., Sackville House, 143, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3, left on November 7 on a visit to the Far East that is likely to last at least four months. Their itinerary embraces Singapore, Malaya, British Borneo, Sarawak, Thailand and Indonesia, in all of which territories these large East India merchants and manufacturers' agents have branches. It may be noted, incidentally, that although, after taxation, net profits for the year to March 31 last were only £93,998, compared with £135,602 in 1947-48, the ordinary dividend is up from 5 to 7œ per cent.

Board Changes

Messrs. H. L. Stevinson, E. G. Grant and R. B. Hobson have resigned from the board of British Traders and Shippers, Ltd., 155, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3, and Mr. J. Popper has been appointed a director. The company's paid capital has been raised to £50,000.

Several changes have occurred in the organisation of The Commonwealth Trust, Ltd., 65, London Wall, London, E.C.2, exporters to India and West Africa. Mr. W. Rae has resigned from the board and as secretary, but continues in a consultative capacity. Mr. F. Ferrelly has been appointed sole managing director, and Miss E. A. Jolly, secretary. Mr. F. A. Cumming has been authorised to sign buying orders.

Mr. Louis Petigor has retired from partnership in the export firm of Arben, 4, Golden Square, London, W.1, which is continued by Mr. Arthur Walker.

H. A. Trotter Dies

The death is regretted of Mr. Henry Alexander Trotter, chairman of Thomson Hankey and Co., Ltd., Port of London Authority Building, Trinity Square, London, E.C.3 (and of Jamaica and Grenada), West India merchants. He was 81.

Buying Appointment

The Belize Supply Co., Ltd., Belize, British Honduras, have appointed A. R. John Oswald, Ltd., 46, Greyhound Road, London, W.6, to be their U.K. buying agents.


Creditors of Palmer, Saunders and Co., Ltd., 180, Piccadilly, London, W.1, exporters, have a resolution confirming voluntary liquidation of the company, who were formed in May, 1946, and have traded with India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Malaya, Indonesia and elsewhere.

New Branches Opened

Wilson, Sons and Co., Ltd., Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C.2, South American merchants, who already have substantial interests in Brazil, have opened a branch at Curitiba, capital of the State of Parana.

Wilfrid L. Emery, Ltd., Federation House, Stoke-on-Trent, pottery manufacturers' agents, have extended their activities and have opened a Toronto branch, with showroom at 94-98, Wellington Street West, under the management of Mr. R. D. McNally.

Export Opening

Low Tangchang, Ltd., 27, Circular Road, and 34, Boat Quay (P.O. Box 315), Singapore, established in 1930 and claiming to have $500,000 (Malayan) paid capital, enquire for finger bowls, 10-14 cms.; rice flat plates, 18-24 cms.; soup deep plates, 20-24 cms.; domestic glassware; roofing tiles; porcelain fancy tiles, 6 in. x 6 in. and 8 in x 8 in.; and porcelain wall tiles, 6 in. x 6 in. The company's London bankers are the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, 9, Gracechurch Street, E.C.3.


Page 1461-3: Feature: Designed for Export... Pottery.

Page 1464:


ACCORDING to the Board of Trade statistics, the value of exports of china and earthenware from this country for the first nine months of this year have both increased and the value of domestic and fancy glassware exports has fallen.

The quantities of earthenware and glassware exported have risen, while the amount of china exported has fallen slightly.


(in cwt.)


Nine Months ended
September 30th

Nine Months ended
September 30th







China :


Union of South Africa














New Zealand














Other British Countries







Irish Republic







United States of America







Other Foreign Countries














Earthenware :


British West Africa 







Union of South Africa





















New Zealand














Other British Countries







Irish Republic














United States of America





















Argentine Republic







Other Foreign Countries














Domestic and Fancy Glassware :


Union of South Africa







British East Africa














New Zealand







Other British Countries and the Irish Republic







Foreign Countries














* The figures for 1947 relate to British India.

An analysis of the detailed figures given in the Board of Trade returns for September of this year shows that during the first nine months of the year Canada bought the greatest quantity of china from this country, while Australia still took the greatest amount of earthenware though it was 14,780 cwt. below that for the same period last year.

Increased quantities of china were taken by Canada, the U.S.A., and the Irish Republic compared with the amount for the corresponding period last year, and, although the amount taken by South Africa during the period fell slightly, the total value showed a slight increase over the Jan. — Sept., 1948, figures.

Exports of china and earthenware to Australia and New Zealand for the first nine months of this year decreased both in quantity and value, compared with the amounts taken in the first nine months of last year.

Although both Canada and the U.S.A. show a decrease in the quantity of earthenware imported from this country during the first nine months of this year, both show an increased value. Increased amounts of earthenware are also shown for South Africa/Norway, and Brazil, with a corresponding increase in the value.

British West Africa, Pakistan, the Irish Republic, Uruguay, and Argentina all show decreased amounts of earthenware imported from this country for the first nine months of this year compared with the corresponding three-quarters of last year, although the total value of earthenware exported to the Argentine during this period is £25,345, more than during the corresponding period of last year.

South Africa and “Other British Countries” are the only ones showing an increase in the amount of domestic and fancy glassware exported from this country during the first nine months of this year, compared with the corresponding period last year. Australia, New Zealand, and British East Africa all show decreased British glassware imports, while, as far as values are concerned, every country listed, with the exception of “Other British Countries and the Irish Republic” shows a decrease compared with the figures for the corresponding nine months of last year.



Page 1465: Paragon China Ltd.

Page 1466:


Pottery Development Council Discussion

On November 7, Mr. John Edwards, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, presided at a joint meeting of the British Pottery Manufacturers’ Federation and the National Society of Pot­tery Workers. The purpose of the meeting, which took place at Stoke-on-Trent, was to consider afresh the proposals for a Development Council for the pottery industry.

The Pottery Gazette is in­formed by the Federation that Mr. Edwards presided at its request and with the agreement of the Society, and that the atmosphere was friendly and cordial.

Confirmation of the friendly nature of the talks comes from the Society, which states that Mr. Edwards will now report back to the President of the Board of Trade who will make his decisions known in due course.

Leisure Time Exhibition

The Wedgwood Second Annual Leisure Time Exhibition was held at the works canteen, Barlaston, on Saturday, November 19. Guest of Honour was Mr. J. F. Carr, C.B.E., Director of Education, City of Stoke-on-Trent, who declared the exhibition officially open following a short address. Exhibits took the form of oil paintings, water colours, drawings, lettering, photography, poetry, embroidery, knitting and woolwork, toys, rugs, carpentry, radio, pottery decorating and de­sign, and dressmaking. One group of exhibits — designated “House­wives’ Choice” — took the form of culinary achievements, including preserves, bottled fruit, pickles, etc.

After a light buffet tea, em­ployees and their friends saw a film show; later still there was a cabaret, and old-time and modern dancing.

“New Hall Porcelain”

A copy of “New Hall Porcelain,” of which the author is Mr. George Eyre Stringer, managing director of the New Hall Pottery Co., Ltd., Hanley, was purchased by H.M. Queen Mary when she visited the “Sunday Times” Book Exhibition in London last month. (A review of this book will appear in the January, 1950, issue of this Journal).

Govancroft Pottery Changes Hands

The Govancroft Pottery Co., Ltd., has been taken over by Mr. G. Metcalf Wheater, who is now sole director of the company.

Appointed Director

Mr. K. E. Allerton, general manager of the British Anchor Pottery Co., Ltd., has been ap­pointed a director. Mr. Allerton, who lives at Blythe Bridge, Staffs, is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allerton, of Wolstanton, and is the sixth generation of the Aller­ton family to be engaged in the manufacture of pottery.

Beales of Bournemouth to Rebuild

Following a decision of the Bournemouth Council to allow Beales to rebuild on the company's old site, the firm has now started detailed planning of a new nine-storey building. This will be on the old site and over two adjacent properties purchased by the com­pany since the previous building was destroyed by bombing.

Western Glass Works, Ltd.

Western Glass Works, Ltd., has taken over the business previously carried on by Western Glass Co., Ltd., now in liquidation. Western Glass Works will supply goods to both the home and export markets.

Pottery Output

Replying to Mr. Ellis Smith, who asked what recent steps had been taken to increase the output of pot­tery, and what steps were contem­plated, Mr. Harold Wilson, in the House of Commons, said the output of the industry had continued to increase this year. Shortages at home were pretty well ended. Ex­port markets, however, continued to demand more decorated ware than we could produce owing to the shortage of certain types of labour. Deliveries of lithographs, which earlier were inadequate, had much improved and with “encourage­ment from the Government,” the printers were doing their utmost to increase still further the volume and variety of their supplies.

Change of Ownership

The majority of the issued share capital of Gibson & Sons, Ltd., the well-known and long-established teapot manufacturers, Burslem, has been acquired by the Howard Pot­tery Co., Ltd., Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent. Mr. D. K. Bailey, manag­ing director of Howard Pottery, has been appointed managing director of Gibsons. No other changes are understood to have been made in the Board of the latter firm.



Mr. Spencer Copeland, a director of W. T. Copeland and Sons, Ltd., and Mr. Harold Holdway, the firm’s chief designer, examine the Spode-Copeland fine china breakfast-set presented to Princess Elizabeth by the British Pottery Manufacturers’ Federation.



Page 1467:


Crystal by Webb Corbett

Thos. Webb & Corbett Ltd.

Stourbridge, England

And at Tutbury


Page 1468



This is the Shelley nursery ware presented to H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth for Prince Charles by the British Pottery Manufacturers’ Federation. In the picture are Mr. Norman Shelley, managing director of Shelley Potteries, Ltd., and Miss M. J. Stewart, of Manufacturers’ Agencies, Ltd., New Zealand.

Col. Wade and Sales Managers

The October meeting (and dinner) of the Potteries Branch of the Incorporated Sales Managers’ Association was addressed by Col. G. A. Wade, managing director of George Wade & Son, Ltd., and Wade, Heath & Co., Ltd., Burslem. His subject was the need for a higher standard of living, and the role that sales managers could be expected to play in its restoration.

On Dec. 16, Col. Wade will address the sales managers again after the Annual Christmas Dinner, when he will give his well-known talk on “Tunny Fishing.”

Marking Caterers’ Crockery

In the House of Commons last month Mr. R. Robinson asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in order to discourage theft, he would now give permission for the crockery used in the catering departments of holiday resorts to be marked with the initials of the owning local authority.

Mr. Harold Wilson replied that he was anxious to allow caterers and other large users of domestic pottery to have their ware rubber stamped with initials or some other mark of identification as soon as possible. His Department had recently discussed with the pottery manufacturers the possibility of making such a relaxation in control; but he was advised that at the present time this could not be done without sensibly affecting total production and exports owing to the continuing shortage of suitable labour in the potteries. He was keeping the matter constantly under review.

“Changing Face of the Potteries” Exhibition

The “Changing Face of the Potteries” Exhibition, to which reference was made in this Journal some months ago, was opened in the Hanley Art Gallery on October 29. Exhibits consisted of oils, water colours, pen and ink sketches, models, etc., in all about 150 works.

Artists successfully recorded the unique characteristics of the Potteries’ landscapes, with particular reference to bottle ovens and 19th Century architecture.

Among the contributions were those from such well-known names as Reginald Haggar, and Mr. Cartledge, headmaster of the Stafford School of Art.

The exhibition was visited by more than 4,000 people.

Decorated Pottery and the Home Market

When Mr. Ellis Smith asked the President of the Board of Trade, in the House of Commons, if he would make arrangements to allow decorated pottery to be sold throughout the country, Mr. Harold Wilson replied that because of the shortage of certain types of labour, we were still unable to produce enough decorated pottery of the right kinds to meet the North American demands. Whilst this was so, he regretted that he could not afford to relax the present restrictions on the sale of decorated pottery at home. Certain articles which were not in such great demand abroad might be supplied at home in plain colours. He added that he was in constant touch with the trade about the possibility of making further relaxations as soon as this could be done without damaging valuable exports.

Pottery and Glass Benevolent Fund

The Pottery and Glass Trades Benevolent Fund has been working quietly since 1881 helping those in need, but it is work that is not publicised, for obvious reasons. However, it should be widely known that it exists, and its splendid work is exemplified in a list of cases which have been helped by the Fund in the past decade. This list shows that the Fund covers not only the manufacturing side of the twin industries but also wholesaling and retailing. It is not surprising that the majority of those helped are widows, and we need hardly point out that nothing could be greater than giving a helping hand to those who are left to carry on when they have lost their life’s companion.

Personal Exports of Pottery

According to the Board of Trade Journal, household goods, including pottery, came fairly high up on the list of items purchased by tourists to Britain this summer. These purchases were made under the Personal Export Scheme which allows the waiving of Purchase Tax.

Recruiting Pottery Industry Designers

At the Royal College of Art, London, last month, Prof. R. W. Baker, A.R.C.A., Professor of Ceramics at the Royal College, delivered a lecture on the recruiting of designers for the pottery industry. A number of prominent pottery industry executives attended.


Page 1469: Spode. W. T. Copeland & Sons Ltd. Pottery.

Page 1470:



A distinguished visitor to Paragon China, Ltd., last month was Miss Gracie Fields. Here she is in the transfer department with a girl operative and Mr. Leslie Irving, managing director.

Sales Managers at Wedgwoods

On November 4, 30 members of the Manchester branch of the Incorporated Sales Managers’ Association travelled to Barlaston by coach to tour the works of Josiah Wedgwood and Sons, Ltd. They were met at the works by Mr. A. H. Alexander, Potteries Group chairman, and Mr. Francis W. Bosson, Potteries Group honorary secretary. After seeing the various manufacturing and decorating processes, the party were entertained to tea by the firm.

£10,000 Gift by Pottery Manufacturer

Mr. W. G. Barratt, the well-known chairman of directors of Barratt’s of Staffordshire, Ltd., Royal Overhouse Pottery, Burslem, has offered £10,000 towards the construction of a Methodist Church at Sneyd Green, Stoke-on-Trent. Mr. Barratt gave a similar sum towards extensive alterations recently carried out to the Methodist Church, Swan Bank, Burslem.

Thos. C. Wild Extension Plans

A Primary School adjoining the works of Thos. C. Wild & Sons, Ltd., Longton, may shortly be purchased by the firm. The buildings would be demolished, and the site used to erect factory extensions.

Mr. John Farleigh at Burslem

Mr. John Farleigh, Chairman of the Craft Centre of Great Britain, visited the Burslem School of Art on November 10. He saw there an exhibition of work by the students of the school, and gave criticisms.

He said there was a tendency to separate skill from art, which thus destroyed feeling. All through history, he contended, consummate skill had contributed to all the great works of art.

Miss E. M. Boulton Retires

Miss E. M. Boulton, director and secretary of Palissy Pottery, Ltd., Longton, has retired after 20 years’ service. A social, to mark the occasion, was held at the Dunrobin Hotel, Longton, last month; it was attended by about 150 operatives.

A wireless set was presented to Miss Boulton on behalf of the staff and employees, while a cheque and some decorated ware was handed to her by the directors.

Marriage of Mr. J. T. Green

On November 12, Mr. John Trevor Green, son of Dr. A. T. Green, the well-known director of the British Ceramic Research Association, and the hon. general secretary of the British Ceramic Society, was married to Miss Marjorie Barton, of Whitmore, Staffs.

Praise for British Pottery

On his return from America recently, Mr. A. N. C. Varley, managing director of Colman, Prentis & Varley, Ltd., said he had felt for some time that there was a certain amount of misunderstanding about how to open the American markets for the small exporter to the U.S.A. Very few British manufacturers could hope to look at America as a mass market, he said, but, sectionalised, it was simpler to deal with than the English market.

“Some branches of British industry are already doing a good job,” he added. “I heard high praise, for example, for British pottery. Here the problem seems still to be one of increasing production in this country, while maintaining the quality and standards of taste and design which have given these products such a good name.”

Mr. Varley added that “Wedgwoods’ showrooms in New York were the best pottery showrooms he had ever seen anywhere.”

Co-operative Pottery Output

For the first six months of the present year the potteries of the Co-operative Wholesale Society increased the output by 82 per cent, over the corresponding period of last year. The production was £62,027. Retail societies will have an interim dividend of 5d. on their purchases plus a special bonus of 2d. in the £ on such purchases.

More Gas for Pottery Industry

Speaking at a luncheon at the North Stafford Hotel on November 3, following the inauguration of a new gas-holder at Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, Mr. G. le B. Diamond, C.B.E., said that the installation formed part of a larger plan for the provision of more gas for the pottery industry. He added that within two or three years the gas-making capacity of the area will have risen to 29,000,000 cubic feet of coal gas daily, and 21,000,000 cubic feet of water gas daily.

Saniguard Appliances, Ltd.

Saniguard Appliances, Ltd., 62, London Wall, London, E.C.2, has taken over the sole distribution of the Barrywald Sanitary Incinerator from their associates, Allied Metals, Ltd.

Change of Address

R. S. Graham & Co., Ltd., Have now moved to 64, Aldermanbury, London, E.C.2. The telegraphic address is “Basmin Cent. London.”



Page 1471


Stuart Crystal

The name “Stuart” is etched on every piece.

The registered trade mark “Stuart” is etched on every piece.


Temporary London Office Address: 11, Charterhouse St., Holborn Circus, E.C.1. Telephone: Holborn 5041. Telegrams: “Glasturtos,” Smith, London

Australia: L. J. Wahlers & Co. Pty., Ltd., Tasmania House, 317, Flinders Lane, Melbourne; Stuart House, 210, Clarence Street, Sydney (Begbie & Buxton Pty., Ltd.).

New Zealand: Manufacturers' Agencies (N.Z.), Ltd. (P.O. Box 2024), 34, Fort Street, Auckland, C.1.

South Africa, including Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion: Ross-Elliott & McKellar (Pty.), Ltd. (P.O. Box 1310), 31, Baines House, Broad Street, Durban, Natal; (P.O. Box 2732), Nunnerley's Buildings, 98, President Street, Johannesburg; (P.O. Box 2104), 63, Hout Street, Cape Town; (P.O. Box 1877), 70, Stanley Avenue, Salisbury, S. Rhodesia.

Canada and U.S.A.: The Worcester Royal Porcelain Co. Inc., 234, East 46th Street, New York 17, N.Y.

Denmark, Norway and Finland: Ove Larsen, Vesterbrogade 40, Copenhagen V, Denmark.

Argentine and Uruguay: Dr. Alfredo Kahane, Paraguay 1832, 6b, Buenos Aires.

Brazil: E. Janowitzer, Avenida Rio Branco 111, Rio de Janeiro.

Far East (Malay Peninsula, Siam, Burma, Ceylon, China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Dutch East Indies): W. N. A. Smalley & Co., Room 32, 2nd Floor, French Bank Building, 5, Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.

Mediterranean Area (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia. Algeria, Morocco, Tangiers, Malta, Gibraltar, Portugal): Evans & Oudraad, Ltd., Kingsbarns, Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, England.

British East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika): L. J. Chapman, Private Bag, Nairobi, Kenya.



Page 1472



About sixty members of the London staff of Jules Lang and Son, of Hatton Garden, E.C.1, attended a dinner given by the firm at Le Coquille Restaurant, St. Martin's Lane, London, on Nov. 11 to mark the retirement of Miss Flewitt after having completed fifty years’ service with the firm. A diamond dress-ring and a cheque were presented to Miss Flewitt by Mr. F. Lang and Mr. Brian Lang.

Miss Flewitt joined Jules Lang and Son on Nov. 9, 1899, as a bookkeeper, later becoming manageress when the firm moved to Charlton Place Islington, N.1, during the First World War.

Six other members of the staff have been with the firm for over forty years.

Photograph shows the London office staff. Mr. Fernand Lang and Miss Flewitt are in centre of front row.

Australian Commissioner at Copelands

The works of W. T. Copeland & Sons, Ltd., Stoke, were visited last month by Mr. Norman R. Mighell, C.M.G., Acting High Commissioner for Australia. He toured the works accompanied by Mrs. Mighell, and later lunched with the directors.

Mr. C. T. Leivers, School Governor

The appointment has been announced of Mr. C. T. H. Leivers as one of the governors of the Longton (Stoke-on-Trent) County Secondary School. Mr. Leivers is a director of the Longton New Art Pottery, Longton.

Supplies for the Home Market

Manufacturers able to offer supplies for the home market (particularly for new customers) are asked to get in touch with our Service Bureau at 8, Ludgate Broadway, London, E.C.4.

Wanted English Scenes

Domestic pottery decorated with English country scenes (blue and pink) is being sought by A.A.A., 31, Vekestr., Antwerp, Belgium.

Argentine Agency Wanted

Olivier & Cia., Hipolito Yrigoyen 1961, Buenos Aires, Argentina, wish to obtain agencies for reputable English pottery manufacturers who have made no other arrangements for exclusive rights with Argentine concerns. We understand they consider that under the terms of the Anglo-Argentine Agreement the requisite import permits for this type of product will be granted in due course, and they wish to take on such an agency to run with other lines which they already handle (e.g. cutlery and glassware). References can be obtained from Chance Bros., Ltd., Birmingham, for whom Olivier & Cia. have acted as representatives for the last forty years.

Dr. M. Eidinger, Cordoba, Buenos Aires, Argentina, will welcome offers of good quality tableware. He desires sole rights for Argentina.

Postmaster-General in Potteries

The potteries of Samuel Radford, Ltd., Fenton,and Shelley Potteries, Ltd., Longton, were visited last month by Mr. Wilfred Paling, the Postmaster-General.

Canadian Inquiry

Mr. R. W. Lamb, owner of Orchardson and Co., Ltd., importers and exporters, 325, Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., wants to contact U.K. manufacturers in a position to supply him with plain white china cups and saucers with or without a gold band, in two sizes — the regular tea size, and the larger breakfast size. Mr. Lamb would be prepared to place an order for 5,000 dozen.

Firms interested should write to Mr. Lamb direct, quoting c.i.f. price in dollars, Vancouver, if possible, and at the same time notify the Commercial Relations and Export Department of the Board of Trade, Thames House North, Millbank, London, S.W.1, of any action taken, quoting reference CRE (IB) 29845/49.

In the event of production difficulties hampering the early fulfilment of these requirements firms are advised to approach the Board of Trade I.M.2.B., Thames House North, Millbank, London, S.W.1.

Shippers Move

The Advance Buying Corporation, Ltd., exporters to East and South Africa, Rhodesias, Australia, British West Indies and Fiji, have removed to 115, Moorgate, London E.C.2 (MONarch 7967).

Harmens Bros, and Co., Ltd., export merchants, are now at Ling House, Dominion Street, London, E.C.2 (MONarch 6431).

Bowl for Sir Francis Joseph

To commemorate his 18 years as President of Stoke City F.C.. Sir Francis Joseph, Bt., K.B.E., D.L.. J.P., has been presented with a Spode-Copeland decorated bowl by the Club Directors. The inscription refers to “the Potters’ art whose virtues he so often extols.”

Co-operative Glass Production

There was a decrease of nearly 2 per cent, in the production of glass at the works of the Co-operative Wholesale Society for the first 26 weeks of the present year, the supplies totalling £349,968.

John Aynsley Development

John Aynsley & Sons, Ltd., Longton, china manufacturers, are to erect a building for a tunnel kiln. Current plans provide for a dipping shop and a biscuit warehouse.

Inquiry from Brazil

A. FONSECA AND CIA., P.O. Box 538, Belem, Para (Brazil) wish to import china, earthenware and hardware and to export timber.



Page 1473:


Crystolac (Regd.)

Toughened Tumblers

Virtually everlasting!

Every “Crystolac” Toughened Tumbler manufactured since 1940, carries a code mark underneath the trade name on the base which indicates its year of manufact­ure. If there is one dot it was made in 1941; if there are two, in 1942, and so on.

Those made in 1949 carry nine dots, and if there are no dots at all, it was made in 1940 or before. The vast majority of Crystolac Toughened Tumblers give daily service not for weeks or months but for years, in fact they are virtually everlasting.



CVS 28


Page 1474


NOVEMBER brought little if any change in the conditions prevailing in the Birmingham and Stourbridge domestic and fancy ware section of the flint glass trade. Reports show that all the principal firms were fully employed in the execution of overseas orders in hand. So far there has not been any marked increase in the volume of business forthcoming from U.S.A. or the States, but there are indications that enquiries recently received from some of the South American countries may materialise in the near future. Useful additions to order books were made during the past month from the various markets still open to local firms who, generally speaking, state that new business continues “fairly good.”

1949 will close with makers of domestic and fancy ware faced with a somewhat smaller carry over of overseas business than that on the books at the end of 1948. How­ever, enquiries suggest that they can look forward to being called upon to maintain a high rate of production during January at least. There are indications that the total value of their exports for the cur­rent year may not reach the 1948 aggregate of £1,423,069, which was approximately seven times that for 1938, but from the point of view of actual quantity, a slight increase is anticipated. In common with many other Midland industries this section of the flint glass trade has been far too busily occupied on overseas account during this year to make good the long-standing shortages in the home market.

As Tudor Grange, Solihull, is to be used for a special school for children, the Warwickshire Records and Museum Committee is seeking the approval of the County Council to remove its fine collection of English heraldic glass and Swiss and Netherlands glass of the 16th and 17th Centuries to the Warwick Museum and other public buildings belonging to the County Council.

Mr. Norman W. Bertenshaw, Head of the Optical Research Laboratory and Technical Assistant to the General Manager of the En­gineering Section of Messrs. Chance Bros., Ltd., Smethwick, has been appointed Curator of the Industrial Museum to be set up by the Museum and Art Gallery Com­mittee of the Birmingham City Council. Mr. Bertenshaw is due to take up his new post in February next.

Congratulating the Stevens and Williams' Social Club on another fine year’s work at the recent annual meeting, Lt.-Col R. S. Williams-Thomas, in his capacity as Vice-President, referred to the happy spirit which existed through­out the works. In his opinion the Social Club had contributed in no small measure to that spirit by join­ing all employees into a contented community. It was hoped that the conversion of all the old intaglio and engraving shops into a large new sports centre would soon be completed. The accounts showed a balance in hand of £236 compared with £86 a year ago. Messrs. I. Homer and S. Drake were elected Joint Chairmen, and the other officers and committee were re-elected.

Among the factories visited by a party of Canadian journalists, who recently toured the Midlands under the auspices of the Midland Region of the Ministry of Supply, was that of Gibbons Bros., Ltd., Dudley. There they inspected a 300-feet long tunnel kiln of the type now being increasingly used in the pottery industry in succession to the traditional bottle-type kiln. Col. W. E. Gibbons, Chairman of the company, described the working and the advantages of the new type of kiln. These continuous tunnel ovens are being used for re-equipping the Potteries, where some 74 have been put into commission for firing the finer clay products since 1945.

At the quarterly meeting of the Brierley Hill Youth Employment Committee, it was reported that the recently started firebrick works practice class at the Technical School was being attended by 14 young employees of six Brierley Hill, Stourbridge, and Dudley firms. The syllabus is designed to give the youths a special knowledge of the industry in which they are engaged, and of the various uses of the refractories they make. It was announced that, having considered proposals by the trade union for an apprenticeship scheme, the Refrac­tories Recruitment and Training Committee had agreed that a sys­tematic scheme of training should be worked out.

Mr. H. S. Williams-Thomas, of the Old Rectory, Broome, who is among the nominees as Sheriff for Worcestershire, is Chairman of Directors of Stevens & Williams, Ltd., Brierley Hill Glass Works, Stourbridge.

At the invitation of Sir Graham Cunningham and his co-directors, foremen and members of the Joint Production and Advisory Com­mittees of the various works of the Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., attended the recent annual general meeting of the company in London. Sir Graham regard 3 the innovation as a good practical way of helping workers and stockholders to under­stand one another's point of view.

North-Eastern District

The closing month of the old year finds glass manufacturing in­dustries in this area well supplied with orders, and the outlook for the new year is promising in the ex­treme.

One of the outstanding displays at an exhibition in Newcastle dur­ing November was that provided by Messrs. Reed, Millican and Com­pany, Ltd., of Newcastle. On their stands they exhibited a choice selection of glass decorative work which was greatly admired. Glass bricks for partitioning large premises interested business men, whilst interested inquiries from the medical and dental professions have been received by the firm for their bathroom and kitchen glass.

Developments at Stourbridge Glass Co.

We are informed by the Stour­bridge Glass Co., Ltd., that an ex­tensive modernisation plan has re­cently been completed at a cost of between £15,000 and £20,000. De­tails are as follows:— 10-pot “Teisen”' glass melting furnace (another is to be installed shortly); modern gas-fired electrically-driven “Arco” annealing lehr (the coal-fired lehrs and kilns have been scrapped); gas-fired “Pot Arch” and three gas-fired “Glory Holes”; desulphurisa-tion plant by Holmes, Ltd., of Huddersfield; 100 per cent, re-roof­ing and 50 per cent, re-flooring of the factory.

Kilns for Stoke Art Schools

Burslem Art School, and Longton Art School, may each purchase a Vyse kiln at an estimated cost of £237 each. Recommendations to this effect were made last month by a Sub-Committee of the Stoke-on-Trent Education Committee.

Exhibition of Peter Holdsworth Pottery

A selection of hand-made slip-ware made by Peter J. Holdsworth will be on exhibition this month at the Paul Alexander Gallery, Church Street, South Kensington. London.


Page 1475: Carnwood. T.G. Green & Co. Ltd. Pottery.

Page 1476:


Replies to Box Numbers should be sent to Office of this Journal, 8, Ludgate Broadway, London, E.C.4
Advertisements for the January,  1950, issue should reach the London Office by December 9th

None of the vacancies in these columns relate to a man between the ages of 18 and 50 inclusive or a woman between the ages of 18 and 40 inclusive unless he or she is excepted from the provisions of the Control of Engagement Order, 1947, or the vacancy is for employment exempted from the provisions of that Order.

Situations Wanted

2/6 for 24 words (minimum) 6d. for every 6 words beyond.  1/- extra for Box number

POTTERY Manager seeks situation; able to take full charge from clay to packing house. First-class references. — Box P.933.

OVERSEAS Houses unable to obtain early deliveries are invited to use services of Potteries gentleman visiting pottery and tile factories daily for an associated industry. Well-known and received at all factories. Costs of expensive trips to England can be saved with satisfaction. Only enquiries from first-class overseas houses required. London agents' enquiries will not be dealt with. — Box P.936.

YOUNG man seeks position trainee-rep. Secondary school education, extensive commercial background, 3 years' clerical experience China and Glass distributors. Genuinely keen on selling career in this line, any territory England or Scotland. — Box P.937.

ADVERTISER, male, with 25 years comprehensive experience of the wholesale and retail glass, china and earthenware trade, seeks position of responsibility with either a manufacturer or in the distributive trade. — Box P.912.

ADVERTISER, age 57, 43 years experience, wholesale, retail, catering china and glass (26 years as Buyer, London West End Stores), offer services buying or selling capacity and invites suggestions from manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers, in confidence. — Box P.910.

POTTERY Manager seeks engagement; expert knowledge clays, bodies and glazes, Stoneware Jars, Acid Proof Ware, and allied products, Fuel and labour-saving equipment, dryers and kilns. Home or Abroad. Highest references. — Box P.913.

EXPORTER, speaking five languages, experienced in publicity and sales propaganda with international business contacts is now free to accept a suitable situation. — Box P.925.

MANAGER, Retail China and Glassware requires position of trust, fully conversant with all grades. Highest qualifications and capable as buyer. — Box P.926.

Situations Vacant

5/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/- for every 6 words beyond.  1/- extra for Box number

ASSISTANT Buyer required for medium-class trade. Good salary and Pension scheme. — Write Secretary, Sharpe and Fisher (1924), Ltd., Cheltenham.

AN excellent opportunity is offered to an ambitious man of forceful personality and organising ability by a newly established ceramic manufacturing company (branch of a larger concern) in Cumberland. Successful candidate must be competent to call on all classes of users and eventually to organise and control the sales of the company. A good commencing salary, commission and expenses will be paid. Full particulars of age, experience, etc. — Box P.938.

SALES Manager required by good class Earthenware Manufacturers. Knowledge of world-wide trade requirements, sales control and ability to deal with Agents and Overseas Buyers. This vacancy offers considerable scope for man with executive and creative ability who has had experience in a first-grade house. Salary according to experience and ability. Write very fully in strict confidence to Box P.940.

REQUIRED for January 2, 1950 — Lady Assistant as first sales and to supervise staff and showroom. Experienced in high-class china and glass business. Apply by letter giving details and references to Lintern and Peters, The Borough, Farnham, Surrey.

EAST London Glassware Decorating Company require Experienced Staff for Banding, Kiln Operating, Transfer and Crinkle Work. — Apply, with full particulars of experience, age and salary required, to Box P.898.

LIVE Representative required, own car, good connection, Edinburgh and East Coast of Scotland, by well-established glass importers and manufacturers. Reply in confidence to Box P.900.

WILLIAM J. HOLT, of 12 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, requires an experienced Showroom Supervisor. Knowledge of high-class trade display, and control of sales staff is essential. Write, giving full particulars of previous experience.

OLD-ESTABLISHED wholesale house requires thoroughly experienced China and Glassware Buyer. Four figure salary offered to man or woman of outstanding experience. Replies, which will be treated in strict confidence, should state full particulars of commercial experience covering the past 15 years. — Box P.917.

CERAMIC Chemist wanted, with wide experience of raw materials, prepared bodies, etc. Responsible and interesting position with old-established yet technically progressive Company. — Mellor Mineral Mills Ltd., Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent.

CROWN Agents for the Colonies. Pottery Officer (Brick and Tile) required by the Government of Nigeria for the Commerce and Industries Department for one tour of 18/24 months in the first instance. Fixed salary £850 per annum including expatriation pay. Outfit allowance £60. Free passages and liberal leave on full salary. Candidates not over 45 years of age must have had substantial experience in small-scale manufacture of bricks and tiles and be capable of instructing Africans in the craft and of introducing improvements in existing native methods. The intention is to develop small-scale brick and tile works with simple mechanical methods, and, in particular, to promote skill in clay moulding and firing. Apply at once by letter, stating age, whether married or single, and full particulars of qualifications and experience, and mentioning this paper to the Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, London, S.W.1, quoting M/N/22800/3E, on both letter and envelope. The Crown Agents cannot undertake to acknowledge all applications and will communicate only with applicants selected for further consideration.

Agencies Vacant

10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

LARGE firm of Aniline Colours would like to engage either a firm or individual situated in the Pottery area as sales agent for the Pottery industry including glassware, china and fancy goods. Also sale of preparations (silver and gold) for the china and electro-china industry. Only firms or individuals with highest references and connections should apply. — Box P.914.

(Continued on page 1477)



Page 1477:

AGENCIES VACANT - (Continued from page 1476)

ITALIAN Exporters seek reliable Agents possessing first-class connections with large buyers of porcelain and earthenware. Write London Exporters Trading Co., Ltd., 10 Charles II Street, London, S.W.1.

OLD-ESTABLISHED high-grade China Manufacturers are desirous of sharing London agency and showroom with similar grade of British Crystal Manufacturers. — Apply Box P.915.

Agencies Wanted

10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

AGENTS wanted all over the country. Good commission, car owners preferred with extensive connections with glass, china and gift shops. Good saleable articles direct from producers. Please write Box P.942.

AUSTRALIA. — Manufacturers' agents, best connections wholesale merchants, with sales organisation covering all capital cities, will come to London in January, 1950. Correspondence invited. L. Wolkenberg, Box 556D, G.P.O., Melbourne.

BUYING Agents. The Alexander Sales and Marketing Co., of 3, Winton Square, Stoke-on-Trent, will be pleased to act as Buying Agents for sound Colonial or Foreign Firms requiring services of this nature in the Potteries.

OLD-ESTABLISHED Australian firm with branches all capital cities, with first-class crockery connection, desires contact china and earthenware manufacturers with view to representation. — Box P.927.

ARGENTINA. Important concern with countrywide connections offers to act as agent or distributor of first-class pottery. Dandridge and Cia., S.R.L., Alsina 971, Buenos Aires.

A FIRST-CLASS sales organisation with showrooms and offices in London have long-established connections amongst the leading Stores, Co-ops and Shops throughout Great Britain, is now able to represent reliable Pottery manufacturers. —Write Box P.919.

LONDON Export Firm with associated company in New York wishes to contact manufacturer of really high-class china-ware, with a view to exclusive representation in the U.S.A. — Box P.921.

Business for Disposal

10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

CHINA, Glass and Toy Business for sale. Lock-up shop with storeroom in main thoroughfare, Bridlington. Rent £80, rates £64. Stock (approx. £250), fixtures, counter, lighting, etc., all in at £750 or nearest offer. Box P.928.

ESTABLISHED China, Glass and Pottery Business for sale. Seaside town, good all-year-round trade; excellent situation; living accommodation; moderate rent. Purchase of property optional. — Box P.935.

China/Glass/Fancy Goods, etc. Two large shops, main road positions South London; turnover £8,000 p.a., considerable net profit. £3,500 A/A. Businesses would be sold separately.
China/Toys/Hardware. Main road position West London; turnover £50 p.w., good net profit; 5 years' lease with option; rent £150 p.a.; attractive living accommodation. £1,600 A/A. David Arnold and Company, 22, South Molton Street, London, W.1. Mayfair 8622-3.

POTTERY for Sale (Stoke-on-Trent) 2-oven factory in excellent condition and in full production. Approx. £25,000 required. — Box P.911.

RETAIL Glass, China and Hardware business, old established, in centre of pleasant North Midlands country town; with excellent profits record; freehold property with good living accommodation, capital required about £7,500; portion could remain. For full particulars apply: John Stansfield, Westmore and Co., 68, Albert Road, Colne, Lanes.

Business Propositions

10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

WE offer our services as an export organisation to manufacturers who wish to develop their overseas trade. We undertake all the work involved in marketing, invoicing, licensing, Customs clearance and shipping on a commission basis. Financial risks would also be accepted. Any manufacturer interested is invited to communicate with: Cotton (Birmingham) Exporters, Ltd., 3, Regent Street, Birmingham, 1. Established 60 years. Bankers: Barclays Bank, Ltd., Colmore Row, Birmingham.

Machinery and Plant for Sale

10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

Two Second-hand Filter Presses by Dehne, each consisting of 25 iron plates, total surface area 200 sq. ft., overall dimensions 12 ft. 3 in. long by 5 ft. 6 in. wide. The Presses have a 2œ in. inlet; with œ in. drain cocks on plates. The above can be seen at any time by appointment. Box P.907.

Machinery and Plant Wanted

10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

SMALL second-hand Filter Press, capacity 5-10 cwt. per filling, complete with pump. — Box P.934.


10/- for 36 words (minimum) 1/6 for every 6 words beyond. 1/- extra for Box number

WANTED Regular Supplies of Tea Ware C, and B., quality best and seconds. Also, once fired cups and saucers. State price (wholesale) and quantities available. Write Box P.930.

SHAVINGS for Packaging. Clean and crinkled material, ideal for all packing purposes. Quantity available in bales of approximately 100 lbs. Samples and price on application. — Write Box P.895.

LEAD Crystal, richly cut, offered from remainder of stock to clear by Irish Glass Factory, at interesting prices. — Write to Waterford Glass, Ltd., Waterford.

A GLASSWARE Decorating Company of repute extending their output in January wish to contact Established Manufacturers, Exporters, Wholesalers, etc., who can guarantee quantity runs. — Please write with details of work required to Box P.897.

On the occasion of the initiation of their altered methods of distribution of Domestic Glassware, Chance Brothers wish to express their appreciation and thanks to their former Agent, Dr. J. H. Muller, for his outstanding service to them in that capacity during the past nine years, as well as of his services to them in the field of design.

Crystalware Limited, of which Dr. Muller is Managing Director, remains amongst their valued clients, which they welcome as affording opportunities of maintaining contact with him.



To safeguard the interests of all members
by securing their fullest co-operation.



17, Manchester Street, London, W.1
Phone: WELbeck 0461-2-3
Grams: Glasmanef, Wesdo, London