Export News
Overseas Visitors
Mr. R. G. Prestt, president, Prestt and Co., Ltd., 2052, St. Catherine Street West, Montreal, importers, manufacturers' representatives: c/o Canadian Bank of Commerce, 2, Lombard Street, London, E.C.3 (MANsion House 9541).
Mr. Norman Downes, fancy goods buyer, Myer Emporium, Ltd., 314, Bourke Street, Melbourne, Vic.: c/o Myer Emporium (London) Ltd., Walpole House, 87-91, New Bond Street, London, W.1 (GROsvenor 1543).
Mr. H. Grenville, John Dynon and Sons, 406-408, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Vic: c/o C. W. Hartrodt and Co., Ltd., Peek House, 20, Eastcheap, London, E.C.3 (MANsion House 1937). Buying glassware, pottery.
Mr. L. Wolkenberg, manufacturers' agent and importer, 157, Queen Street, Melbourne, C.1. In London early January: c/o A. T. Kinswood and Co., Ltd., 11, Boundary Road, Shoreditch High Street, London, E.2.
Mr. D. H. Outwin, Penang branch, The Borneo Co., Ltd., Sackville House, 143, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3, export and import merchants, manufacturers' representatives, etc.
Chasing Business
Mr. P. A. Berthon, of the European Section of " Betro," 48, Dover Street, London, W.1, leaves this month to visit the principal European Colonies in Africa. His itinerary includes two hard-currency markets Liberia and the Belgian Congo and four in the sterling area Gold Coast, Nigeria, Northern and Southern Rhodesia as well as Portuguese West and East Africa.
Bound for Africa is Lord Inchcape, partner in Gray, Dawes and Co., 122, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3, exporters to East Africa, Iraq, Persia and the Persian Gulf, and chairman of Smith, Mackenzie and Co., Ltd., merchants and manufacturers' representatives, who are established in Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika and Zanzibar. He will travel through East and South Africa and the Rhodesias, and is due back just before Christmas.
Mr. A. N. Stuart and Mr. N. Airth Grant, respectively chairman and a director of Alex. Lawrie and Co., Ltd., Brown's Buildings, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C.3, East India and East African merchants, are currently visiting East Africa, where the inter-territorial subsidiary, Kettles-Roy and Tysons (Mombasa) Ltd., importers and manufacturers' agents, nave several branches.
M. Armand Dutry, managing director of Armand Dutry and Co. (Adeco) Ltd., 25, Hyde Park Gate, London, S.W.7, is touring the Belgian Congo, where the Société Anonyme Belge Armand Dutry et Cie. are established at Leopoldville and Elisabethville. He will call at Cairo and Athens on the homeward trip.
Leaving shortly to visit Pakistan, India and Ceylon is Mr., J. S. Hoskins, managing director of Levetus, Ltd., 194, Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2, export merchants and buying agents. He should, early in March, reach Colombo, where Mr. Graham Willis, a director of Lyall Willis and Co., Ltd., 52, Baker Street, London, W.1, manufacturers' export sales agents, spent a week recently.
Mr. Alec R. Malcolm, managing director, and Mr. C. R. Akers, a director, of The Borneo Co., Ltd., Sackville House, 143, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3, left on November 7 on a visit to the Far East that is likely to last at least four months. Their itinerary embraces Singapore, Malaya, British Borneo, Sarawak, Thailand and Indonesia, in all of which territories these large East India merchants and manufacturers' agents have branches. It may be noted, incidentally, that although, after taxation, net profits for the year to March 31 last were only £93,998, compared with £135,602 in 1947-48, the ordinary dividend is up from 5 to 7 per cent.
Board Changes
Messrs. H. L. Stevinson, E. G. Grant and R. B. Hobson have resigned from the board of British Traders and Shippers, Ltd., 155, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3, and Mr. J. Popper has been appointed a director. The company's paid capital has been raised to £50,000.
Several changes have occurred in the organisation of The Commonwealth Trust, Ltd., 65, London Wall, London, E.C.2, exporters to India and West Africa. Mr. W. Rae has resigned from the board and as secretary, but continues in a consultative capacity. Mr. F. Ferrelly has been appointed sole managing director, and Miss E. A. Jolly, secretary. Mr. F. A. Cumming has been authorised to sign buying orders.
Mr. Louis Petigor has retired from partnership in the export firm of Arben, 4, Golden Square, London, W.1, which is continued by Mr. Arthur Walker.
H. A. Trotter Dies
The death is regretted of Mr. Henry Alexander Trotter, chairman of Thomson Hankey and Co., Ltd., Port of London Authority Building, Trinity Square, London, E.C.3 (and of Jamaica and Grenada), West India merchants. He was 81.
Buying Appointment
The Belize Supply Co., Ltd., Belize, British Honduras, have appointed A. R. John Oswald, Ltd., 46, Greyhound Road, London, W.6, to be their U.K. buying agents.
Creditors of Palmer, Saunders and Co., Ltd., 180, Piccadilly, London, W.1, exporters, have a resolution confirming voluntary liquidation of the company, who were formed in May, 1946, and have traded with India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Malaya, Indonesia and elsewhere.
New Branches Opened
Wilson, Sons and Co., Ltd., Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C.2, South American merchants, who already have substantial interests in Brazil, have opened a branch at Curitiba, capital of the State of Parana.
Wilfrid L. Emery, Ltd., Federation House, Stoke-on-Trent, pottery manufacturers' agents, have extended their activities and have opened a Toronto branch, with showroom at 94-98, Wellington Street West, under the management of Mr. R. D. McNally.
Export Opening
Low Tangchang, Ltd., 27, Circular Road, and 34, Boat Quay (P.O. Box 315), Singapore, established in 1930 and claiming to have $500,000 (Malayan) paid capital, enquire for finger bowls, 10-14 cms.; rice flat plates, 18-24 cms.; soup deep plates, 20-24 cms.; domestic glassware; roofing tiles; porcelain fancy tiles, 6 in. x 6 in. and 8 in x 8 in.; and porcelain wall tiles, 6 in. x 6 in. The company's London bankers are the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, 9, Gracechurch Street, E.C.3.