May 2013
- Details
- Category: Site Notices
- Published on Thursday, 11 February 2010 13:28
- Written by Frank Andrews
- Hits: 24428
This site has being migrated and upgraded now so expect some chaos for a while. NOW FREE
One major problem is links to other articles are not working. I have found several and fixed them, but please advise me, via forum or email, if you find others. Thank you.
Bibliography of Glass has now been relocated and in a form that everyone can add to and update entries as well as create and download personal bibliographies for your own projects. Now here : glass-study.org/biblio/ .
The Glass-Study might have appeared to have ground to a halt... and to a certain extent it has but this is just the impact of switching countries and finding time.
I have a major project in hand: Formatting, for this site, a complete and detailed index of Czech Glass Review which has been compiled by Deborah Truitt. It is going to be some time before this appears completely as there is a LOT of data but I will shortly start adding the first years after carefully proofreading the formatted pages.
Only when that project is complete can I recommence digitising the library. However, I will be adding more catalogues to the Glass Catalogue site this year.
After many years of planning and consideration, I have now established a not for profit company in France "The Glass Study Association" and am currently building its web-site . The sole purpose is to preserve glass web-sites. The start up will be slow as apart from money, it requires a group of people to take an active role in order to achieve the aim of permanence! I am starting to ask web-site owners to give a non-binding pledge of their website to show that there is an interest in preservation. Also to give their input on how to organise the Association effectively. Conversion to full charity status is intended but as this is a costlier route, I chose the NPO route as a means of getting the ball rolling. I will not have any income from the Association and the administration will be as open as possible.
For my personal income I am preparing individual downloads of the catalogues currently in the Glass Catalogue site, these will offer little value to Glass-Study.com members but if you want a copy I will provide it at a 90% discount to glass-study.com subscribers. These downloaded versions have none of the rights given to Glass-Study members.
How Glass-study is organised
- Details
- Category: Site Notices
- Published on Friday, 16 March 2007 22:01
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 23015
There are two lists of documents and as the material is prepared for the site these lists will be updated with direct links to the first part and in some cases additional parts of a work. English and multilingual and Non-English. As at 2013 this list are incomplete.
Smaller works are presented as a single document but others are split, as needed, to keep the individual files manageable.
Menus are hopefully self explanatory, most menu items lead to groups of pages but also to other sections that keep larger documents grouped nicely.
When a work is fully digitised the displayed images are limited to a maximum 600 pixels in one direction, all original images are available to members as cleaned 600 dpi scans for use in publications of books - terms being discussed in each case.
The OCR conversion is manually verified, but there are bound to be the odd error creeping through, please post on the forum any such errors giving the URL and a positional reference to the error. In some cases the error existed in the printed version. With the exception of minor spelling mistakes (e.g. LeLipzig for Leipzig) all such corrections will be annotated.
If you are aware of additional information that should appear as part of an entry please advise via the forum, the annotation will be credited to your name. Obviously citing any other references you provide!
Annotations will be very clear, on the appropriate page but in a different colour and in curly {} brackets.
So Who, What and Why?
The Glass-study is aimed at the serious collector and researcher. It is rebundling the information contained in books, magazines and other printed material to enable quick searches to be made to locate data.
Trade directories are one of the most important providing snapshots in time of companies operating within the glass industry - but on their own the information is limited. Now for the first time simultaneous searches across a broad range of publications from multiple countries will allow rapid cross referencing and accumulation of data. Our visitors can also provide errata for the various works - again adding unique benefit.
As the Glass Study grows additional means of cross referencing information will be added again enriching the content and improving the accuracy of material.
We are not interested in slavishly reproducing material and while general layout, particularly pagination for citations, is being maintained - details of layout and presentation are not copied. N.B. Where an entry in a directory extends to a second page this has not been duplicated and the entire entry appears on the page number where it had originally started.
It is not practical to make scans of documents, in general, but where a need exists this can be discussed. The texts on the Glass-study are effectively new editions and while membership allows reasonable re-use, copying the works on this site for re-publication is not allowed.
If anyone desires to reprint any of the digitised works, I will be happy to oblige for a commission on sales.
The Glass Study is intended to be non-profit but also to provide anybody with a living while they dedicate themselves to preserving these works in digital form. If anyone wishes to make a substantial contribution that can be used to accelerate the digitisation and/or assure the continuance that will be welcomed too. If anyone else would like to join in by preparing works for this site that would be welcomed, either the fully converted text or 600 dpi scans of your material. If you provide copyright materials only an index can be be built - but that is equally useful. Scans will be retained until copyright expires. Scans should be cover to cover except for excerpts, in which case title pages and copyright data must also be scanned.
Once sufficient funds are available membership fees will be reduced of suspended.
Technical issues oblige the use of a second site for catalogue digitisations so the emphasis here will be on trade directories, glass company publications, out of copyright books (pre-1922) and indexing of copyright books.