Mixed Batch - July 1958 page 64-71

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Mixed Batch – 64 – James A. Jobling & Co. Ltd. July 1958
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Mr. C. L. Songhurst, Executive Director responsible for commercial activities in conference with some of his senior executives


(Executive Director)

Home Sales Department
(General Home Sales Manager)
Export Sales Department
(Export Sales Manager)
Distribution Department
(General Distribution Manager)
Purchasing Department
(Purchasing Manager)
Advertising and Public Relations Department
Market Research Department
Home Sales – Domestic (Manager) No. 1 Area (Manager) Warehouse
Transport (Manager)
Engineering Products (Buyer)    
Home Sales – Industrial (Manager) No. 2 Area (Manager) Home
Orders/ Invoices (Manager)
Miscellaneous Products (Buyer)    
Home Sales – Technical No. 3 Area (Manager)        

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Mixed Batch – 65 – James A. Jobling & Co. Ltd. July 1958
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MR. W. TINGLE, despatch office 25 years. Breeds boxers and looks forward to first division football in Sunderland in autumn 1959. MRS. ELIZABETH CLARKE, 2 years in Export Sales. Keeps cats. Hobbies: drawing, painting and art in general. With £75,000 would build a castle and have knights riding round and round on horseback. MR. W. AULD, known as Billy. 16 years in transport. Clean driving licence 35 years. Hobbies: Roker Park and cat breeding. Advice to drivers: Keep your mind on your job.

The Sales Division, as such, is comparatively young. We have no records of the selling organisation a hundred years ago. We are able to contribute memories from one of our longest serving representatives, but this only goes back about thirty years. Nevertheless, it is this division which feels it can take the credit for making the name, PYREX, a household word in this country and throughout the Commonwealth. But even with our name known and accepted, selling in these days of fierce competition is not an easy task.

Selling has always been a challenge to salesmen of all types, and the Sales Division meets this challenge with enthusiasm, backed up by a first class product, with a first class reputation. Today, distance is not counted in miles but hours of air travel and Jobling’s Export Division have Sales Managers constantly travelling the world to open new markets and increase our business in traditional ones. In the home market, our team of outside representatives systematically visit every possible PYREX customer. It is only by their unceasing efforts we are able to maintain the foremost place we have in our particular industry. Behind the scenes, however, other departments are giving necessary support to the Sales division. These are: Advertising, Public Relations, Market Research and Distribution. All these departments closely knit together work, with one purpose to sell more PYREX to more people.

The Purchasing Division has a prime responsibility in the Company’s activities. It has to buy good quality materials at most favourable prices. In fact, good buying is as important as good selling, and I know that our buyers are men of good calibre who are constantly watching market trends and order to buy in the best market.

As you know, Joblings must expand, no Company today can remain static. As far as the Commercial Division is concerned, we shall always be at the service of the Company, to buy better and sell more. We, in common with everyone in Joblings are confident of the future of our Companv.

C. L. SONGHURST            
Executive Director in charge
of Commercial Activities


Looking back it is hard to realise people did not know about heat resisting glass, because now it is taken for granted, but big things from little things grow and the team I joined in 1929 though small in numbers were large in their enthusiasm to break new ground for it really was new ground and we were the pioneers.

We worked for and with Mr. Jobling-Purser and he worked for us to create the job. I am indeed proud to have been one of the band that spread the story and in some measure helped to build the organisation we know today and the good name it enjoys.

What we have been able to offer the Domestic trade over the years has been, Flint, Domestic

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Glassware, PYREX, Ovenware, Colourware, Top of Stove Flameware, OPALWARE and Tableware

There were seven of us as Representatives (and what a do we had to be known as Reps not Travellers) and what a job we had to convince buyers that the days of cooking in Tins and Pots were over. Here was warm golden “PYREX”.

Our reception in the old days was different to what it is now. Our prospective buyers would say, What! cook in glass and put it in the oven? don’t be daft.

“PYREX” never heard of it.

“PYREX” No : we have never been asked for it

“PYREX” teapots, nay lad they’ll burst.

“PYREX” guaranteed for twelve months, what do you think we are, an exchange mart!?

In 1929 these were only too frequent expressions.

Although I am only too happy to make some contribution to celebrate our Centenary it is very difficult to cover and put briefly the exciting 29 years and do justice to them.

Many are the stories that could be told of our experiences.

In 1930 we assembled at the works to meet, Mr. A. N. Robson who had been appointed “Sales Manager”. He quickly adopted the “give us more and bigger orders idea”, which seemed strange, because previously if we did open an account and get an order it was a question of, “Can they pay,” “Call again soon and get the money.” However we did get more and better advertising Nationally and even lantern slides for the Cinema.

July 20th 1931 a National Competition, asking the housewife to state her reasons for liking, “PYREX”. 1st prize £10 was won by a lady of Rhyl. 2nd £5 won by a lady from Gosport, Hants., 3rd £3 a gentleman in Mumbles, Swansea. July 1932 all out effort to establish, “Weardale suite of Glass”.

Our customer had to undertake to give us a “Weardale” window for 6 days and he received “Free” a cheese dish, later if he gave us a 10 day show he received “Free” a Salad Bowl and Compact. Later still for every £5 order for Weardale he received “Free” a Water set.

1933. A new accounts scheme was started, we received 2/6 for every new, PYREX or FLINT account with an additional £1 1s. 0d. at the end of the month for the one with the most. Charles Adams and myself were keen rivals for the latter and some of the nicest letters I received from the works related to this Competition.

The war brought restrictions on output, Clothing coupons also brought restriction on wedding and celebration presents and this was a wonderful opportunity of making “PYREX” the “guaranteed” gift for the bride of which we took full advantage.

From the 1929 Exhibition on the Town Moor, Newcastle we have attended and Exhibited at the B.I.F. and many other, “Trade Fairs”. We have progressed with our own Window Dressers our own Demonstrators, our own Transport, (I wonder if we still have my old Jowett in a Museum). Home Centre, Film Shows and what have you.

Thinking of adverts, particularly the one showing an “OPALWARE” cup being used to knock a nail into a piece of wood, reminds me of one of our workmen knocking a nail into a piece of wood with a “PYREX TEAPOT and the late Queen Mary watching him at the B.I.F. (I think I have a photograph of this somewhere). I gave my mother a teapot and it was years afterwards that I found out she always brewed the tea in a silver pot and then poured into the PYREX one. (she was scared stiff).

Incidentally have you ever given thought to the number of products on the market whose name ends in “X” think it over, no prizes.

I may have exceeded the number of words allocated to me but I would like to express my keen appreciation to the Company for this opportunity of, “Looking Back” and pay tribute to those it has been my privilege and pleasure to meet in the service of James A. J., some have regrettably passed on but with new found colleagues we can look forward to even greater progress and prosperity.

Ernest Jackson.


Since the last issue of Mixed Batch the Domestic Sales Department has been kept extremely busy in putting across the 1958 ‘PYREX’ Summer Offer. This promotion is being heavily backed by advertising on I.T.V., in the National Press and in full colour in the popular Women’s magazines, thus keeping the name of ‘PYREX’ to the fore as one of the best advertised and best selling lines.

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‘PYREX’ Ovenware and Tableware have been featured in two Trade Exhibitions this year — the Gifts and Fancy Goods Fair at Blackpool and the Hardware Trades Fair in London, and will again be shown at a further Exhibition — the Domestic Equipment Trades Fair in London in September. Opalware also attracted much attention at the Catering Exhibition, Olympia, London. At all these Exhibitions the design and workmanship of our display stands attracted much attention and admiration — our Design and Building and Maintenance Departments deserve credit and congratulations.

Turning to personalities we welcome Mr. Felix who has joined our outside Sales Force to cover the delightful counties of Hampshire and Sussex. We also welcome three attractive newcomers to add to the glamour of the Sales Department — Misses Paxton, Stubbs and Thompson.

Congratulations to Mr. J. Grundy on becoming engaged to Miss Swann. All members of the department are now excitedly preparing themselves for the wedding bells which will shortly be pealing out.

We are sorry to be losing Mrs. McCulley and welcome Mrs. Barras who has joined us from Export Department.

We are sorry to report the illness of “Jacko”. He has recently had a serious operation for ulcers but we are pleased to report that he is feeling very much better and has just returned from a convalescence in the Channel Islands. We all wish him a very speedy recovery to the “hail and hearty” soul we all know so well. G.W.C.


In the past 35 years or so since Joblings started to manufacture PYREX, the Home Sales Division has naturally expanded very considerably.

Being a comparatively young department, Sales Personnel have so far achieved only three gold watches — Harold Webster, who died suddenly while still in harness, Ernest Jackson (Jacko, at the moment convalescing after a serious abdominal operation) who is still on the road, and Freddie Jungius who recently retired.

Other pre-war stalwarts on the outside staff are Charles Adams, Bill Bew, Freddie Lee and David Morrow, whilst our head London demonstrator — Grace Richardson, can also look back to selling PYREX before the war.

The Home Domestic Sales Force totals 27 representatives, whilst there are now 7 Industrial representatives and one representative belonging to the Technical Sales Division.

We have come a long way since PYREX Oven-ware was more or less unknown and our representatives were pioneers selling to a comparatively small number of the higher class outlets. Our policy and methods of selling have changed and we now distribute largely through Wholesalers. As a result, PYREX is on Display in over 14,000 Retail outlets and features on the shelves of practically every domestic hardware, china and glass shop in the country. Indeed as a result of the weight of advertising behind the products, this type of retailer considers PYREX to be one of his best selling “bread and butter” lines.

Over the years tremendous strides have been made also in the Industrial field and PYREX constitutes the vast majority of Laboratory and Scientific Apparatus used in laboratories throughout the country. Indeed PYREX plays an important part in such diverse activities as the preparation of Polio Vaccine, Atomic Research and the Electrification of British Railways.

The new”baby” — The Technical Sales Department — is now beginning to come into its own and our Resistors and Multiform electronic components are attracting the keen interest of many of the leading manufacturers in this field.

In short, just as Production are always striving to increase manufacturing efficiency, the various Home Sales Divisions are leaving no stone unturned to find and satisfy fresh outlets for PYREX products, in addition to expanding and increasing sales in our established markets.


The editor insists on copy for this issue, and so Export Department, very reluctantly, removes its light from under the bushel.

What do you want to know about us As far as we can ascertain, nobody has become a grandparent or even given birth, (at least, not during working hours) and the department runs on its usual well-oiled wheels — the first man to laugh will be sent to sell Tableware in Siberia. Talking about sending people to places — did you know that members of the department have already this year visited Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Malta, Libya, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Aden, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Cyprus, Austria, Yugoslavia and Italy.

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WILF KEATING in his first year at Joblings in Purchasing. Likes swimming, chocolate biscuits, Brigitte Bardot and Kathleen Potts. MISS KATHLEEN POTTS 6 years service, now secretary to Mr. Strand. Likes swimming, chocolate biscuits, Glen Ford and Wilf Keating. MISS B. COULSON, 14 years service. Comptometer Supervisor. Likes television and car-riding. Favourite meal: mixed grill.

Also talking about sending people — did you know that we have a set of vital statistics in our routine department which read 40-24-36, (and there’s nothing routine about that! No, laddie, there are no vacancies at the moment) Then again, on the subject of statistics, were you aware that by the end of this year, we shall have more than doubled our Export turnover since 1953 in spite of all the trouble and turmoil going on in the world.

Mr. Whittington, who was Area Sales Manager for the Far East, has left us to sell gramophone records and hereafter will be known as Disc Whittington: his departure was the subject of a tragic ode, composed by the ladies of the department, and a delightful cartoon by our resident artist, (see under Who’s Who.)

By the time this appears in print, Harry Crompton will be married to Violet Goodfellow of the General Office, but was it really necessary to knock his teeth out to get the date fixed? Seriously though, we wish them both long life and every happiness.

Having said our little bit, we conclude with a promise to the Editor, of a further contribution in time for the bicentenary issue. ‘Bye for now!



When I knew this was to be the Centenary edition of Mixed Batch I thought I might base my contribution to this section on a historic theme, but after due thought I quickly changed my mind. To trace the history of a department would be a monumental task requiring a lot of research and time. One thing however, that does not appear to have altered for over a hundred years is the headgear worn by advertising managers!

The usual happy events recorded in most other departments again have been denied us. Indeed I have been forbidden to mention them. Sufficient to say neither the midwife, the jeweller nor the vicar have been bothered from anyone in the department.

I dare say some of our employees are bothered about Sunderland A.F.C. going down to Division 2, even a visit to Joblings didn’t help them! Actually they were most impressed with what they saw, and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves even though comments were rather to the point at times! Other well-known people visiting the factory were Terry Wayne, The Four Ramblers and Carl Barritue. They too were delighted with all they saw. David Allen


We offer our warmest congratulations to Mr. Philip Lannigan who has now been confirmed in the position of Assistant Sales Manager of the Industrial Division. His experience as a bacteriologist, together with the knowledge that he acquired during the months that he spent in our Works are serving him in good stead in his new position.

Since the last issue of “Mixed Batch” our sales force has been expanded by the addition of

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two new representatives. Mr. John MacGregor and Mr. Roy Cooper are now out on their territories (centred on Edinburgh and Manchester respectively) having each spent two weeks at the Works. We wish them both every success in their careers with the Company.

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During May we took part in the Instruments, Electronics and Automation Exhibition at Olympia. Our photographs show two views of the stand designed by Mr. J. D. Cochrane, which was laid out to display not only our traditional industrial products but also the new range made especially for the electronics industry. The use of rugged brickwork in the construction of the display cases provided an interesting contrast to the delicacy of the glass, and gave rise to considerable comment from our visitors. In view of the nature of the exhibition as a whole, our new products in “Multiform” and our resistors were continually the subject of animated discussion, and Mr. Coulson was kept busy dealing with enquiries from all over the world. It was certainly pleasant to be instrumental in publicising the fact that Joblings are, once again, well in the forefront when it comes to catering for the needs of modern technological advancement.

While we take part in suitable exhibitions on a national scale, such as that referred to above, we still feel it most necessary, in order to foster the closest possible co-operation with the users of our apparatus, to take part in local shows designed to cater for more restricted areas. Mr. Webber, therefore, recently used our mobile show-stand at an exhibition held in the Chemistry Department of Birmingham University. On a similar basis he will be representing us again later in the year at another exhibition dealing exclusively with the development of semi-micro and microchemical techniques.

A handsome range of new catalogues has now been produced and distributed; designed by Stuarts, our advertising agents, they have been very well received both by the trade and the outside users. For the first time, therefore, we can now claim to list all the items in our very wide standard range.

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Desiree Arrowsmith has now left the department, but we are pleased to say that we still hear her voice quite regularly since she has joined the girls in our private branch exchange and is learning to be a telephone operator. We all wish her every happiness in this new job. In Desiree’s place, Jean Dix has joined us as a junior and is settling in quite nicely.

Since I am leaving the Company during June to return to the Laboratory Furnishing trade in London, I would like to take this opportunity of saying goodbye to my many very good friends at Wear Glass Works, and of thanking them all for the great support and help that they have always given to me since I joined the Company.

Gerard Mann

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MISS MILDRED DOWSON 6œ years Home Sales. Likes needlework, cooking, watching cricket and swimming. Watches “This is your life” and enjoys a good cry. DESIREE ARROWSMITH in her first year at her first job in Industrial Sales. Likes cooking, needlework, and Perry Como. If she was not with Joblings would like to be a domestic science teacher. MISS ELLEN DUNCAN, 3 years Blownware Warehouse. Hobbies: needlework, sports and swimming. Likes turkey with trimmings and the “Bob Monk-house show”.


It was with genuine regret that everyone in ‘Export’ said goodbye to Mr. Smart, (HJS), who left us to take up an appointment in London. We wish him luck in his new venture, as will everyone with whom he came in contact at Joblings.

‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness’ has been heard lately from the corner in which our shorthand-typist, Miss Abley, reigns. Many theories are current. Some claim it is her version of ‘The Dream of Gerontius’ — others blame the radiator. The plumber swears that the heating system is in order — and he is an excellent plumber.

Miss McCormack was married recently, and the intensity with which the ‘Spinster’ element have since applied themselves to getting the marriage ceremony by heart is positively terrifying. Do impending events really cast their shadows before?

It has been calculated that Export has more female glamour per square inch than any other department in the firm. This was done by dividing the gross vital statistics of the female staff by the number of electric typewriters and multiplying the answer by the average number of ‘Clangers’ dropped in any given period. The answer, of course, is expressed in ‘Miles per Avoirdupois’, as any fool knows.

We extend a cordial welcome to our new departmental manager, Mr. Crick, who took up his appointment in May. Coming from London he may find our northern climate a trifle cool — although we can assure him it does get a little ‘Warm’ at times.


Warehousing and Transport

The latest development in Distribution is the opening of our new Depot at Heywood. This is at present the largest and most up-to-date depot in our organisation.

Modern Handling Equipment is in use and the Depot is already giving marked improved service in the North-West of England.

We welcome Mr. A. Walton and his staff at Heywood.

West Chirton is also making steady progress and the number of Jobling’s enthusiasts is growing rapidly.

The Blown-Warehouse has had a very busy year so far and great inroads have been made into the outstanding orders. We are in the course of designing new cartons to take all our Industrial Glassware and it is hoped that we will have completed the job before the end of the year.

Our Transport Fleet has adopted the ‘new look’ and our new 10-ton vehicles are a distinct asset to our fleet.

Order/Invoice Department

‘Beauty’ appears to have come to the forefront in this department during the past month or so and we can report achievements by three members of the staff under this particular heading.

Miss Anne Lewis and Miss Joyce Thompson were both elected Maids of Honour to the Glass Queen, a role both seem to be enjoying very much. Miss Joan Pickering gained third place in the ‘Miss North Britain Contest’.

Congratulations to all three.

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As our Annual Sports Day approaches, we report that Miss Eva McNish who was so successful last year has gone into training, so those who have ideas about prizes, should look to their laurels as we can assure them that Miss McNish will be in top form on ‘the’ day.

Time and tide wait for no man, or woman, thus after ten weeks courtship Miss Rita Howes surprised us all by announcing her engagement to Mr. John Hudson, and Miss Pat Roeves to Mr. Derek May who is serving with the Merchant Navy, and who recently left on an 18 month trip. Congratulations and best wishes to both these couples.

Miss Violet Goodfellow took an even deeper plunge when she marries Mr. Harry Crompton of the Export Department on the 31st May, 1958, lets hope there is no truth in the saying “Marry in May, Rue the Day”. Everyone in the Office takes this opportunity of wishing them both the best of luck and all happiness for the future.

We are proud to be here at the beginning of Jobling’s second century. May it be as full of enterprise and progress as the first.


We are now installed in the new offices and find them extremely pleasant and the extra room available is very helpful. An added attraction is given by plants dotted along the window-sill.

We welcome Mr. Bryson who is in charge of progressing, Mrs. Turner on invoice checking, Miss Carvill in charge of stationery and Miss Stenton who replaces Miss Scott who was a trainee secretary in this department and having been trained is now working very successfully we believe for Mr. Grossman. We hope our new members will settle down and enjoy their work.

Sylvia is looking very forlorn these days and we think her heart is in Africa. We have no doubt she will also be in Africa in person in the not too distant future.

We are trying to persuade Jim Heslop to do some of his usual good photography this year, especially for the “Mixed Batch” and we hope the results will appear in the next issue.

Congratulations to Stan Bainbridge and Jim Heslop on being appointed Engineering Buyer and Miscellaneous Buyer respectively.


From April 16th to 25th we had on show at the Instruments, Electronics and Automation Exhibition at Olympia, London, some of our glass products now being developed and manufactured for the electronics industry.

They consisted of (1) Multiform glass articles which are now being used in Television tubes, and in the manufacture of miniature radio valves, and (2) High Stability Resistors for electronic circuits and possibly in circuitry for guided missiles and Sputnik equipment. This latter product created a terrific amount of interest and invariably the first remark from visitors to the stand was “We weren’t aware that Jobling’s manufactured Resistors”. Incidently if you are really interested, Resistors being manufactured by Jobling’s have been given a type of guarantee by the Joint Services Committee which classes them as being suitable for Government equipment.

It should be mentioned that quite a large number of overseas visitors came onto the stand to see our products, Russians included . . . What’s that — the language difficulty? . . . didn’t worry us, they didn’t say a word — just looked and took catalogues.

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After 25 years service with the company Mr. Joe MacNally retired in March of this year. You will recall Joe was featured in the Who’s Who section of the last issue of Mixed Batch.

All of his 25 years were spent in the Mould finishing department where he made many friends and saw many changes. Our picture shows the presentation of a wallet given as a token of esteem from his fellow workers. The presentation was made by Mr. Dothwait.

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